Edited on Mon Oct-02-06 10:52 AM by Cleita
avoid it trying to get someplace else) I really noticed that Utah is not only 99.99% white, they are the whitest people I have ever seen anywhere. I've never been to any Scandanavian country, but from the Sandanavians I have met here, I can imagine it's the same. There seems to be a predominance of people who are milky white, with really pale blue eyes and light brown to blond hair.
I never felt them to be racist though. I thought that maybe they lacked day to day contact with darker skinned people. I don't know what their actual feelings are about other races. I mean what degree does it go to? Would they work and go to school side by side with brown people? Would they mind living in a mixed neighborhood? Would they intermarry with them?
However, there was that story in the news of the marine or soldier in Bahrain who married and smuggled a princess out of that country and brought her to the USA. He was Mormon and actually explained that his beliefs and her Muslim beliefs were similar so I guess race didn't matter to him, so they probably don't have racial bias but a moral/religious one about marrying outside of their church. I do believe that they have changed their stance on African Americans and welcome them to all the degrees of importance within their church.
I dunno. I'm sure there are Mormons on this board who can explain it better.