Hello again. We had the follow up appointment this morning after having heard the news that my wife has breast cancer. The morning started off on a bad note when on the way to the appointment, my back tire blew out the sidewalls and was practically melted from overheating itself. Thankfully we were close to the exit, so my wife and I walked the mile and a half left to get to the doctor's office. Talk about luck huh?
Anyway, we got the initial pathology report and I wish I knew what it all meant. Basically, she has high-grade (3) invasive ductal carcinoma that is going to require aggressive treatment. One of the smaller tumors removed turned out to not be a tumor but a lymph node inside the breast that had been affected. That really scared us but the doc said that might not be so bad because hopefully the cancer radiated to that one rather than to the main ones under the arm.
Either way, she needs a complete mastectomy and months of aggressive radiation treatment. We know she's going to lose all of her hair and all that other stuff. Needless to say she is in shock, but knows we must do whatever we must to get through this. She has to go next week for an MRI to check a lot more rigorously for other affected breast areas, including a closer look at her other breast, and also next week has to go for bone scans and cat scans. We're so nervous and are praying that this hasn't spread anywhere else and that it isn't anywhere else untreatable in her body. The doc says she thinks she's 100% curable but that the whole process is going to take 9 months and that there is a hard road ahead of us.
Personally, I just wish I understood some of the terms in the report more. I tried to research some of them online but was quickly terrified by things I was reading such as 5 year survival rates. I just hope the doc is being straight with us when she says she's confident everything will turn out ok after aggressive chemo and other treatment.
We're just so scared right now and can't believe this is real. It is so sudden and there were NO risk factors for her. She's only 34. But that means the cancer is probably even more aggressive. I'm just going to have to be by her side and as strong as possible and I know we'll get through this. But my God is this scary. I just can't wait for all of these tests to come back and hope to hell that they are all clean. No matter what, we were told it'll be no less than 3 weeks until the mastectomy/reconstructive surgery, and since the other lymph nodes won't be checked until that surgery I guess we're going to have some time to dwell.
But I just wanted to give an update. I'm embedding the initial pathology report below. PLEASE if any of you know any of these terms look it over and tell me what any of it means.
Thanks so much,