FINALLY, a forum of our own! I feel like such a freak sometimes during the day, and I get so tired of not understanding people and of having to figure out the CC mechanism on TVs that it'll be great to come in here and be with people who know exactly what I'm dealing with every day!
I have what is known as sensorineural hearing loss, or nerve deafness. I started noticing it about thirty years ago, at the age of 11. While I had trouble hearing, I could often hear that people were saying something, but I had great difficulty with what they actually said, (discriminating speech, in other words). I was wearing hearing aids in both ears by my freshman year of college, and have done so ever since. They often don't help too much, since they just amplify sound and don't discriminate actual words; I simply cannot afford the newer digital ones that help specifically with that. Hell, I'm still paying off my latest pair I got three years ago, and will be doing so until the end of time, with the damned finance charges and fees. The loss has gotten progressively worse through the years, so that I now have roughly 50% loss in each ear.
I got a closed caption TV about eight years ago, for my birthday, and consider it a godsend. Now I can actually understand exactly what's being said. When I watch old shows and movies I've previously seen, I can see just how much I missed the first time I saw them. I still have a lot of trouble at movies, since there's currently no closed captioning in movie theaters (not sure how they'd do that, anyway). I have a lot of trouble with employment, as well, it's been a problem with every job I've ever had.
It's great to see this forum!