And even now, my friends who I've just made friends with, who don't realise I've had that happen to me a long time ago.
I would be in a group of friends in Elementary school. They thought it would be really hilarious if they started laughing and wait until I said, "what's so funny?" And they would reply, "Nothing." They would start laughing again and I asked the same thing and got the same response, and I finally said, "Oh fuck off." (I was 13 years old by then and I rarely swear ever, only when I'm really annoyed) They realised that they had hurt my feelings and told me the real reason why they did that, "Just to annoy you." I would say in response, "You know that was really mean." They would say I'm really sorry and got me some candy and books to apologise.
That irritates the hell out of me. My partner does the same to me just to get a rise out of me, if I ask him who was on the phone, he would say, "Nobody." I really FUME and rant and rave. "I'm sorry, it was my parents," he would apologetically say. He now tells me who was on the phone.
If my friends here heard a joke not worth repeating, they don't think and I said, "Oh what's all the groaning all about?" They said, "Oh, you don't want to know." I would be like, "I'm curious now, just tell me." And they will tell me, and I would reply, "Oh you're right, that was SO not worth repeating!"
I mean there are people here that are so patient with me (in the UK) unlike the US where there were people who would get really annoyed if I asked them to repeat what they said.
I do the same to my fiance, if he does the "Nobody" line. We would be talking and if he asked me to do something, I would pretend not to get it (even if he uses Cued Speech on me). "What?" *he repeats his requent* "I didn't get that what?" and it really gets the rise out of him. I would be, "Now you know how I feel when you won't tell me who you talked to on the phone."
He's stopped the Nobody thing. There are barely people here who get annoyed with repeating. The hardest people to talk to for me are men. If I can't lipread (and some of them have thick accents here, like Geordie accents), I would be like, "I'm sorry I can't understand you, is it ok if you wrote that down?" They would gladly oblige. Even my male friends have taken to "pretend Cued Speech" (strangely I can understand them so much better if they waggled their fingers at the side of their mouth, for some reason) so I can understand them. They would talk to me, and If I didn't get it, they would pretend to cue to me and I would get it.
I feel that they are so much more patient in the UK than the US.