Hello. I’m your West Hampton Cove volunteer for the Francine Busby for Congress Campaign.
I’m a long-time political junkie, having majored in political science in college in Washington, D.C. First thing in the morning, I check CNN for breaking news. I surf the web for political information and analysis – sometimes for a few hours before I get around to my actual, paying work. I continually annoy my friends and family with dire warnings about the disastrous, one-party Republican stranglehold on the U.S. government.
So it’s not surprising that I believe that the November 2006 election – just weeks away now – is one of the most important in our nation’s history.
10. The Republican health care plan: “Don’t Get Sick.”
9. The Republicans won’t recognize that global warming exists until Pacific Ocean waves start lapping at Coast Highway 101.
8. George Bush and the GOP Congress think a little “waterboarding” isn’t really torture.
7. Republicans want to privatize Social Security so you can personally oversee losing all your retirement money in the stock market.
6. The Republican exit strategy from Iraq: oh, right -- they don’t have one. It’s the next President’s problem.
5. Republican “fiscal conservatives” turned the Clinton-era federal budget surplus into the largest budget deficit in U.S. history.
4. George W. Bush says the U.S. Constitution is “only a piece of paper.” He and his GOP pals in Congress and on the Supreme Court ignore whichever laws they don’t like.
3. The Republican economic plan: let most middle-class jobs be outsourced overseas so GOP multinational corporate cronies can enjoy the expanding global economy to the fullest.
2. The Republican foreign policy has been so successful that now almost everyone in the world hates us.
1. George Bush says he is “the decider.” The Republican do-nothing Congress lets him “decide” to continue driving the United States right off a cliff.
It’s critical that Democrats capture and become the majority party in the House of Representatives – better yet, in the Senate as well. That’s why in every possible Congressional race around the U.S, a Democrat must be elected.
The California 50th Congressional District – our District -- leans Republican, but there are enough registered Democrats here to win this important Congressional seat -- as long as enough Democrats actually vote on November 7th for Democrat Francine Busby.
In addition to the national significance of taking back Congress, Francine is a great candidate who deserves to be elected, who will care about our District’s needs and concerns, and whose positions on the issues are clearly better than Brian Bilbray’s for us and for the entire country.
My job is to encourage you to get out and vote for Francine on November 7th – or better yet, to cast an absentee vote for her well ahead of Election Day.
Francine’s website is at
http://www.busbyforcongress.com. I encourage you to send me an e-mail, call me or drop by at Unit 171 to let me know how you feel about this critical election, or ask any questions you may have. Thanks very much.