In 04 I dropped everything to do election work. I had two kids in diapers and we had just moved. We lived out of boxes for months. But I had this sense that if I could just do a little more, maybe I could avert the disaster of a second Bush term. After the election, I had nothing to fall back on emotionally. I was destroyed. Katrina pushed me that much farther into the pit. My anger was really beginning to be a problem.
This year I am working consistently. I have a goal of a certain number of political activities or hours per week. If I feel like doing more, ok, but I don't push myself over the line. I take time for exercise, spiritual practice and my family. Ironically, I also limit my time on DU and the other blogs. They get me too anxious and worked up. I have decided that this is a marathon, not a sprint, yanno? I need to stay in shape for the long haul. If I kept going the way I was going, I would have had to stop. The anger and exhaustion was becoming too painful.
I also signed up for some after election activities so I would have something to look forward to, win or lose. I start tutoring a child in reading at my daughter's school next week, and I signed up for an intensive yoga workshop in February.
Take car of yourself, Alfredo. Thanks for all you do.