Run time: 03:56
Posted on YouTube: April 17, 2015
By YouTube Member: YouTube Help
Views on YouTube: 4760132
Posted on DU: January 16, 2007
By DU Member: bridgit
Views on DU: 321 |
'One mans opinion of America and the Bush regime.
Ken Mehlman as the douchbag.
Ahmed Chalabi as the puppet
Bill Janklow as the murderer
Ken Lay as the thief
Rudi Giuliani and Galen Fox as the perverts
Steven Rosen as the spy
Dennis Kozlowski as the con man
Walden Odell CEO of Diebold as a the vote defrauder
Dana Rohrabacher as the tax cheat
Bernie Ebbers as the crook
Bob Novak as the asshat
Richard Pearl as the Mossad agent
Jim West as the bigot
Ralph Reed as the Zealot
Reverend Sun Myung Moon is the one in the crown being ordained in the US Senate building as humanity's savior, messiah, returning lord and true parent.WTF?
The convicted include Keith Weissman, Duke Cunningham, Jim Tobin, Governor Bob Taft, Governor George Ryan, Governor John Rowland, Michael Scanlon, David Safavian, John Rigas, Tom Noe, Timothy McViegh, Larry Novak, Scooter Libby, Bill Janklow, Larry Franklin, Bernie Ebbers, Jack Abramoff, Charles Grainer, Sabrina Harman, Linndie England.
The old black woman is Harriet Tubman.
The three mug shots that follow her are members of the weather underground: Bill Ayers, Mark Rudd, Bernardine Dohrn.
Hero's include: Rosa Parks, Colleen Rowley, Daniel Ellsberg, John F. Kennedy, Jack Murtha, Scott Ritter, Valerie Plame and Joe Wilson.
Closing sequence: Sioux Indians perform a 'buffalo dance' in 1894 for a Thomas Edison production. This clip carries a symbolic irony as it constitutes the American Indian's first appearance before a motion picture camera, and the beginning of the demise for both the American Indian and the buffalo.
S. Stealberg'