Run time: 03:56
Posted on YouTube: April 17, 2015
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Posted on DU: January 28, 2007
By DU Member: madfloridian
Views on DU: 871 |
Howard Dean speaking to Wolf Blitzer about the misguided president and the fiasco that is Iraq. He also mentions Webb when asked, calls him a star of the party.
DEAN: Well, it's hard to agree ahead of time when you haven't seen the script, so I don't know what Jim is going to say...
BLITZER: You haven't seen what his agenda --
DEAN: ... you know -- no. We don't -- we don't control our members like that. You know, I think Jim is a star in the Democratic Party. He's -- he certainly knows what he's talking about when it comes to warfare, as a former Defense Department higher-up. And he's going to be a great spokesman for the Democratic Party, as he was during the campaign.
And he talks about the mess Bush has made in Iraq.
DEAN: The president should have thought about the consequences of failure before he went to Iraq. He didn't tell the American people the truth about why we were going to Iraq. We still, to this day, don't know why we went to Iraq. And the consequences of failure are going to rest squarely on the Republican Party and the president that led us into this war. The Democratic view is we need to find a way to get out of Iraq and minimize the casualties to our brave American troops. They were sent over there by a president who wasn't truthful with our troops, either. Now we need to end this -- this misadventure in Iraq. And we need to do it carefully and thoughtfully.
And he points out Bush's proposed health plan is geared to hurt the middle class and help Bush's rich buddies.
It's very much like Iraq and all the other things the president's been saying -- he says one thing and does something else.
Let me tell you what the president's health care plan does. It offers a $7,500 tax deduction. The problem with that is if you're only making $50,000 a year or less, you can't use that deduction because you don't pay that much in taxes, in income taxes. So what he does is tax the middle class people -- because he's now going to tax your health care plan -- he taxes middle class people and uses that to give tax deductions to people at the upper end of the income scale.
Once again, the president is very good to his people who support his campaign and support him, not so great to the 80 percent of Americans he left behind.