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The Case for Impeachment

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reprehensor Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-28-07 03:24 PM
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The Case for Impeachment
Run time: 03:56
Posted on YouTube: April 17, 2015
By YouTube Member: YouTube Help
Views on YouTube: 13022959
Posted on DU: January 28, 2007
By DU Member: reprehensor
Views on DU: 650
The Case for Impeachment: was on C-Span2 Book TV 8/2/06:
The talks were recorded at, the United Church on the Green, New Haven, CT on June 24, 2006.
Permission granted to upload by Squeaky Wheels Productions and Dave Lindorff.
Title: The Case for Impeachment: The Legal Argument for Removing President George W. Bush from Office
Authors: David Lindorff, Barbara Olshansky

Part Two

Part Three

Part Four

Part Five

Part Six

Article: The Case for Impeachment - Now On YouTube
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man4allcats Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-28-07 03:37 PM
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1. K&R n/t
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Jack Rabbit Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-28-07 09:11 PM
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2. Here's to bringing down would-be dictators, despots and dunces
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pat_k Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-29-07 01:11 PM
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3. Great to see the "case" but Impeachment is a POLITICAL not a Legal process. . .
Edited on Mon Jan-29-07 01:12 PM by pat_k
We need to challenge the widespread, and WRONG assumption that impeachment is needs to meet some legal standard.

Members of Congress must make a personal judgment grounded in moral principle and the intent of the law. There are no legalisms or complex 'technicalities' that can trump reality. They must be guided by their oath and their conscience.

As we lobby for impeachment, we should be to be crystal clear about its purpose

Keep in mind that:
  • They are Congress, not the Courts.

  • Impeachment is a political process, not a judicial process.

  • Impeachment is defensive; not punitive.

    We charge Congress with the duty to defend against threats to the Constitution. Impeachment is the weapon we gave them to remove a threat by removing an official's power to harm. This is the first, and most urgent, priority.

    Retribution for violations of U.S. Code and International Law is for the Courts (both here and at the Hague), not Congress.

  • Impeachment is bound only by the intentionally vague guidance provided by our Constitution; judicial processes are bound by our substantial body of written law and precedent.

    Members of Congress must make a personal judgment grounded in moral principle and the intent of the law. There are no legalisms or complex 'technicalities' that can trump reality. They must be guided by their oath and their conscience.

    Members of the House must decide for themselves what constitutes an impeachable offense. The House as a body defines the what steps are necessary or unnecessary to impeach. Senators decide for themselves whether articles of impeachment transmitted from the House merit impeachment, and what standard of proof to apply.

  • The interests that an impeachment seeks to balance are very different from the interests that a criminal prosecution seeks to balance.

    • In a criminal trial, the standard of proof seeks to strike a balance between mistakenly:
      1. depriving a citizen of their rights
      2. releasing a guilty individual

      When balanced against the sanctity of our civil rights, the risk of releasing a guilty person loses.

      To tip the scales in favor of protecting civil rights, a very high standard of proof is applied (beyond reasonable doubt).

    • In an impeachment, the standard of proof seeks to strike a balance between mistakenly
      1. depriving an official of the privilege of power
      2. leaving power in the hands of an official who is subverting the Constitution or otherwise abusing that power

      Each Senator must decide for themselves what standard to apply, but when balanced against the sanctity of our Constitution, the risk of mistakenly depriving an official of the privilege of power should lose, particularly when you consider that power is granted to elected officials; it is not a basic civil right.

      To tip the scales in favor of protecting the Constitution, a lower standard of proof is required (e.g., probable cause, preponderance of the evidence). When Members of Congress, opinion leaders, or fellow citizens assert that a higher standard applies, we should challenge them whenever possible.

    In the case of Bush and Cheney, we have proofs that meet a standard much higher than impeachment calls for.

    When we recognize the purpose of impeachment, it becomes crystal clear that. . .

    Impeachment has been a moral imperative for years.

    Bush and Cheney demonstrate their willful intent to nullify the Constitution when they assert the fascist fantasy of a "unitary authoritarian executive" that can break the law at its whim.

    In their attack on the Constitution, Bush and Cheney are blatantly committing grave violations of law that go far beyond impeachable. They have committed crimes that are subject to the penalty of death. Namely, war crimes under U.S. Code (Title 18 section 2441) and international law and the Anti-Terrorism Act (Title 18, Section 844 paragraph e. Bomb Threat -- "mushroom clouds in 45 min").

    In addition, they violate the sanctity of our civil rights with their criminal spying operation (Title 50, Section 1805).

    From"> Rationalizing for Inaction on Impeachment:

    . . .charges have already been investigated and even adjudicated. They have admitted violating FISA -- and have tried to "defend" it (mutually exclusively) by claiming inherent authority and congressional approval. GOP Senator Specter himself has already scoffed at the defense.

    The (formerly) Supreme Court has already ruled in Hamdan that Geneva applies to Gitmo. Behind the Euphemedia smokescreen of tribunal tinkering lies the reality of the decision: Three Years of War Crimes had already been committed. Similarly, the lies about WMD that terrorized the nation into war are already "old news." There is no fig leaf left.
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twylatharp Donating Member (81 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-29-07 04:18 PM
Response to Original message
4. this is a must see
impeachment is NOT an impossibility
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necklace Donating Member (67 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Feb-06-07 10:12 PM
Response to Original message
5. Why are we waiting ?!?
Isn't it interesting how our government was so quick to impeach a president, who had the highest job approval rating of any president, for lying about getting a blow job in the Oval Office, but not a president who has lied to the American people, declared war based on that lie, killed off more than 3000 of our own - not to mention the number of others in the process - and has consistently violated our civil rights?

What exactly do we need more to start pressing criminal charges against him?
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