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Posted on YouTube: April 17, 2015
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Posted on DU: March 20, 2007
By DU Member: thekuch
Views on DU: 496 |
Dennis Kucinich: Is It Time For Impeachment?
Full video here: need to be familiar with a few indisputable, historical facts:
1. Congress has never forced our troops home via Congressional resolution, period. Funding cutoffs is the only way Congress has brought our troops home, since the War Powers Act was created. Congress has used the power of the purse many times to end U.S. military action abroad and bring the troops home - against the President's will! Examples here: its enactment in 1973, there is no specific instance when the Congress has successfully utilized the War Powers Resolution to compel the withdrawal of U.S. military forces from foreign deployments against the President’s will. Every President from President Nixon forward has taken the position that the War Powers Resolution is an unconstitutional infringement on the authority of the President, as Commander-in-Chief, to utilize the Armed Forces of the United States to defend what he determines are the vital national security interests of the United States. - Richard F. Grimmett, National Defense specialist - Congressional Research Service
Project Filibuster
http://www.projectfilibuster.comFilibuster To End The War Now!
I'm sick and tired of John McCain and every other pro-war politician telling Americans the big, fat lie that our troops support President Bush's mission in Iraq - they don't! Our troops do NOT support this war!
The majority of our troops in Iraq (72%) said this war is a failure and they want to come home by the end of last year, 2006! Don't believe it? See, has the power to end this war by cutting funding to this war.
Problem is, Congress doesn't want to stop funding this war. Why?
Americans need to be familiar with a few indisputable, historical facts:
1. Congress has never forced our troops home via Congressional resolution, period. Funding cutoffs is the only way Congress has brought our troops home, since the War Powers Act was created.
2. Congress has used the power of the purse many times to end U.S. military action abroad and bring the troops home - against the President's will! Examples here: Congress maintains funds for the express purpose of withdrawing U.S. forces in the event of an emergency (nuclear blast, etc.,) exigent circumstances, etc.
Last month, Republicans easily blocked Democrats' "non-binding resolution" from coming to the floor for a vote via filibuster; there is no reason why Democrats can't do the same thing: block Bush's upcoming war bill via procedural filibuster. The only thing required is the will of 41 Democratic Senators. In fact, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid could hold a press conference and announce that he and 40 other Democrats have decided to block Bush's war bill via procedural filibuster. (Senate Rule 22) Such an act would end the war and force the troops home. This is a fact - not just a theory.