Damn that show is getting so many good political references in it (especially this season with the opening episodes):
Here are the lines from this show summary on this page:
http://battlestar.download-warehouse.org/seasons/season3/19/Crossroads-Part1-p1.htmlThe scene starts out zooming in on the Colonial One, before switching inside, to show the president's aide reporting, "Baltar was instrumental in the Cylon attack on the colonies.", as she hands some documents to the prosecutor, then continues, "The president wants him charged with genocide." The prosecutor replies, "I can't make it stick. There's no evidence of his involvement.", but the president's aide interrupts her with, "The president saw him, with one of the Sixes on Caprica ...before the attack." The prosecutor is offended, so she asks, "You really want me to put Laura Roslin on the stand to testify about her drug induced visions?" The president's aide replies, "What we want, is for you to do your job and convict him. If you can't do that, we'll find someone who will." The prosecutor replies, "This is a courtesy meeting, not a strategy session. I am charging Baltar, with what I can prove. Of course, I serve at the pleasure of the president and if SHE decides to replace me, I'm sure there are other lawyers willing to take up the case. If there ARE any other lawyers.", as she confidently leaves the room.
Hot damn, I wonder when they scripted and shot this show! Has to have been after January 12th!