She is trying to make sense of a nonsensical presidency. Her conclusion is worthy. Many want to acribe evil genius status to Bush. We will more likely find, like in one of those bad future movies with Tina Turner, where the gladiator is unmasked to find a kindfaced retarded lad. The most important lesson here is: FIND PEOPLE THAT HAVE MADE IT ON THEIR OWN MERITS. NOT, even like John McCain. He was a legacy. Bill Clinton was first gen. stud. Even G.Bush Senior was superior to his wastril son. This has DEATH TAX ramifications. And progressive tax implications. And a leg up, for all those potential leaders, that otherwise would be overshadowed by wastril children of privilege. I think we will find that most of those Wall Street Fucks arte second or third gen wastril children. This situation for a country that touts an american dream is intolerable. We need to again assert our independence of kingly progression in all its aspects. Our final realization, that our businesses scrapping against state subsidized industry in other technology centers, is bound to fail. And that some subsidy, done with eyes wide open, will pay back our prosperity. We have a lot of talent in this country. That talent is bound up in people that have never been staked. Strip the power from wastrils, and fund the truly innovative and hard working. Proven by their pasts.
I feel that the wastril meme is worthy of forwarding, as it is the source of much recent trouble. Our reputation of a lot of coiffured nancy boys, without the grit to lead, is in some respects well deserved, although a lot of others should be fingered elsewhere. Give TRUE equal opportunity, to all that would earn their way. THAT, is america. To HELL with all the media coronation of a succession of trust fund hotties they make into reality shows. Shame on them. Bush, is emblematic of our tendency to drift towards a royal system of culture. FUCK KINGS!