that he must do this, have this position if he wants to stay alive and get into office. Once he is in office, if the people demand it, he will change. Because he is about change.
But not until he has won the hearts and minds of the {psychotic?} peeps who run the defense departments. He could help them to get back in their bodies and to get their
integrity back intact. Sorely needed, given so many are hard/stiff as a rock, and on so many medications.
The armies, navies, marine corps, and 737 mercenary groups, must choose to drop their weapons along with their death wish mentalities to get back, be retrained,into promoting and protecting life, and values that make a difference in the quality of people's lives.
Right now, consider for a second that Obama doesn't need to be right. I am afraid the meaning of "right" goes with the necessity of "might". Buried in the concept of "might is right" is the targeted fabric of a new world order that Poppy wanted 18 years ago, and Reagan started 30 years ago, probably for Poppy.
These are peeps, like former presidential candidate Mike Huckabee said yesterday on MSNBC, three times, that what is "right" is more important than what is "legal". This is preposterous thinking, and dangerous declaring. Thank goodness, the reporter fought back, addressing the fact that our constitutional issues require that we follow the rule of law so that our civilization can exist as a democracy.
Religious values rule over laws? Uh not here. In the Middle East maybe, they did hundreds of years ago, but I thought those people were quite sophisticated before we slaughtered their very core of being and then their bodies. What kind of shit was this? Will this continue in Gaza and Afghanistan?
It is amazing what can be done with a few production companies generating reality, with some sold out press, when you can slaughter the press who try to investigate. These peeps are sick. They need help, but are too agressive to realize it. They may become more softened once different policies take the fear factor out of their every moment of existence. What adrenalin these poor folks, the fighters, must endure. They need to calm down, get some massages, make some love, listen to some intelligent underground music and get in the flow of life. get in touch, get love back in their life like it matters....
I am really concerned about GovB.
Anyone else see Mr. Huckabee declare that what was "right" is more important than what is "legal"? And isn't this the argument underneath what the impeachment of the working class hero Governor Rod Blagovich is about? The winning politicians in Illinois want to be right, the whole lot of them about their opinions that conform to agendas they do not want to change, so they get the press to be complicit in re-framing GovB as if he was indicted already, dupliciously mis-reporting.
The Senate cannot NOT seat Burris, legally, but they don't think it is "Right" that they should change their traditions, and so therefore, can avoid the rule of law? They are actually pretending that their little traditions trump the laws they are paid by our taxes to protect! That is bullshit and if we take that, like everything we take lying down, we might as well become cannibals and fuck it. Ewwwwhhh.. I don't want any part of that.
Lets give Obama a chance, and if he doesn't cut it, lets continue to be more active with our congressional leaders so that they do our will, rather than act like psychotic folks who need to be better off than the rest of us as an identifier. Lame reason for so much pain.
I yammer.