for the neonatal care each child is receiving? You can bet that each child is costing someone $1000.00 a day at the least. Is that welfare? In my book it is. Is lying, as the mother telling she took no welfare, a reason to cut welfare? Is being unaware of what welfare is a reason to cut welfare? How about semantics? I've heard several opinions about the mother and what should be done, what should have been done, what fork to use when it is done. Right now that sort of thing is moot.
What gets me about these sort of cases is that the adult, the parent(s), are the ones who need to be in therapy. Yet the left, right, middle, whoever, scream for some sort of "punishment" for the "wrong" committed by this adult/parent. However, when one punishes the adult it is the children that suffer. I don't have a solution, recommendation, nothing really, to do anything about this, be it a woman with 14 children or one with one child they can't care for. Do we say they can't receive money for children they can't afford? Hey, if they don't need money for support they don't need welfare. If they can't afford them then cutting off benefits does what, punish the parent or hurt the child? More than likely the child suffers. Do you take the children away? If the birth parent(s) are not abusing the children, if they are raising the children in a safe environment to the best of their ability, whatever, is it up to society to determine what is best? Hey, I got nothing here.
Debate what you will about this woman and any problems she has had but right now there are eight tiny humans that have needs, real needs, and what can be done to help those children now as well as later to become healthy, happy, human beings? If it takes paying the bills to realize 8 citizens being productive, contributing to society, helping advance civilization then it has to be done. Otherwise, we will be paying for 8 people to occupy 8 cells in prison.
Well, that's my opinion. I could be wrong.