THIS IS BEAUTIFUL !! Obama WINS !! Dems WIN !! And in the process, even WITH REPUBLICAN pieces in the bill (and YES there were Republican pieces, several of them), even WITH all kinds of tax cuts, even with over 100 billion removed from the most expesive version, even WITH 60% national support for the bill, even WITH Obama AND Dems trying to work with them, the STUPID EXTREMIST RIGHT WINGERS STILL VOTED AGAINST IT while also ATTACKING AND DEMONIZING the three brave relative moderate Republican Senators (two from my home state) who broke ranks, thereby proving that they ARE NOT interested in bipartisanship, that they are wedded to the same old trickle down, pro rich, Bush/Cheney necon policies of the past, that they are entirely out of step with the nation, and that there is NO ROOM LEFT in the right wing facsist RePIGlican Party of today for anyone approaching moderate. THIS IS A HUGE, HUGE VICTORY FOR OBAMA AND OUR PARTY IN MANY, MANY WAYS !! REJOICE DEMOCRATS, EVEN IF SOME THINGS WERE REMOVED FROM THE BILL THAT YOU WANTED, BECAUSE IN THE BIG PICTURE THIS IS A WONDERFUL VICTORY FOR US OVER THE ROTTEN REPUBLICANS !!!