THIS development may well be the cornerstone in getting Junior and Crime Crew investigated and prosecuted(?). On a different but positive note, International Law experts are perusing the "Rome Statue" (International Criminal Court (ICC)) Treaties to see if the Crimes against Humanity and War Crimes accusations against Bush/CheneyCo could be applied RETROACTIVELY to their crimes! George Bush removed us a Signatories from the Treaty shortly before invading Iraq (coincidence? kinda fuckin' doubt it) and now it's as important as EVER to push President Obama to not only rejoin as Signatories, but to be a RATIFIED in Treaty to the Rome Statue (get used to hearing that lovely term!). SO, Georgey Porgey and Dickless may think they have the last laugh, but that's liable to change real quick. There appears to be FOUR different ways to attack these animals and War Criminals.
1) DOJ opens investigations (still the BEST option and the one most well suited to regain favorable World Opinion). Push Eric Holder to do this!!!
2) Congressional Truth Commission (not nearly effective and maybe harmful, actually. A last resort opton IMO).
3) Civil Prosecution for First Degree Murder (this covers the ENTIRE crew (Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Rice (et al) and ANY federal prosecutor from ANY state can pursue this as outlined by Vincent Bugliosi in his excellent book "The Prosecution of George W. Bush for Murder" (He put away Charles Manson and had a perfect record of murder convictions).
4) WAR CRIMES per the Rome Statute (I.C.C.) Perhaps... as stated, legal scholars are looking at viability)), the Conference on Torture treaty (signed in 1988 by (a REPUBLICAN!) Ronnie RayGun), and per the Geneva Conventions. This ICC is iffy at present, BUT THAT MIGHT VERY WELL CHANGE!!! The other two are solid in standing.
So, ladies and germs... as you can see, a lot of people are taking this VERY seriously. I humbly ask that you devote some time and activate for their CONVICTION! NOT a lame "truth" commission, that will just paper over the REAL TRUTH and that's what this country deserves after living through the eight year hell of an stolen presidency. World class criminals... from beginning to end. Thanx.
Below is a timeline on torture and events of the worst criminal president in history for you scholarly types (who might even want to help!) here is a compilation of people (guards, lawyers etc) telling their story of what happens at Guantonamo.