Edited on Tue Feb-17-09 12:02 PM by ananda
It explains how the paranoid delusions behind game and numbers theory has been co-opted by governments, corporations, and institutions so that .. literally.. the inmates have been running the asylum.
Their big philosophy has been one of holding mutually exclusive goals at the same time: freedom and control... self-interest and a self-regulating free market... resulting in utter FUBAR chaos and destruction.
Reeps and some Dems are still holding on to this paranoid numbers and game theory model, as many of them are still promoting unregulated utilities, privatization, control with numbers, and resistance to efforts to regulate sectors of the economy and bring jobs and money back to America and real Americans.
As for control with numbers, just look at efficiency models and quotas in industry, and also in areas like education, social work, and health care. Where service and aid are involved, game theory proves most harmful... just look at the ever burgeoning DSM manual of institutional psychiatry buttressed by the very selfish and self-interested pharmaceutical industry... and at the deplorable state of education run on a corporate industrial model of both numbering students and using the numbers related to attendance and test scores to reward and punish schools and staff.
For a good insight to how the numbers model of industry, allied with paranoid delusions of fascist like control, have taken over education, look at the thoughts of Frank Smith and the history of classical education vs. industrial.
Thus we see collapse as a result of the industrial model of the assembly line and turning people into numbered automata; moreover, this model has roots in a mechanistic view of humanity. It's very worthwhile and interesting to look at the history of mechanism in philosophy, arts and letters.. starting with Descartes.
It seems to me that.. right about now.. humanism, both secular and theistic.. both are good.. along with organicism... should be making a comeback in a BIG way!!!!!!!!!!