That fuckin' Cenk... love 'em!
LISTEN TO MY SHIT: this installment I apologize…sort of, for my harshing of the buzz of Obamaniks and Democratic, self-flagellating, rightwing nutsack kissing bipartasanoids and most definitely some of my venting at President Obama in show #5. I am not, however, budging on my disgust with the Democratic party and the Congress in general. It takes two to BI-partisan! Republicans have spit in our faces. We reached across the isle and got a mouth full of busted teeth. They are impossible! They are pathetic turds that WANT US TO FAIL! My doctor says I’ve been getting too much right wing shit in my diet thank you. It’s off my menu.
Also, we examine the rightwing nutsack for tumors and other growths and find a picture perfect example of the deadly cancer O’Reillyanoma. All this and more!
This is not a transcript
Hi everyone and welcome to this, the sixth installment of the frank factor. I hope you’re well. Let me start by saying I realize I was very harsh with my criticisms of the Democratic congress and Barack Obama in my last show. I can only apologize for my pointed comments regarding President Obama. As for the congress, Nancy and Harry- I stand by my comments. We are weak. Our behavior during the Bush years was pathetic. Barney Frank, Chris Dodd and Bill Clinton are partially guilty for the economic mess we are in today.
Liberal and Progressive thought is the future. Conservatism, Nationalism and Corporatism are the enemies of Freedom and the tools of fascism fear and oppression.
Clinton snuffed out the Glass-Steagall Act and signed the Commodity Futures Modernization Act, which exempted credit-default swaps from regulation. He also loosened housing rules, putting added pressure on banks to lend in low-income neighborhoods. None of it was an endorsement of permissive lending and risk-taking. But if you believe deregulation is to blame for our troubles, then Clinton earned a share too. ( Read the rest of this entry »