With all respect, I think you've fallen into the social issues trap that has thrashed D's in election after election. Like it or not, political reality is political reality. On god, guns, gays, and abortion, the country remains traditionally center/center-right. If we do as you suggest and try to pull the big trigger on those, it hurts us bigtime because the R's will still be able to use these issues with some effect. Make absolutely no mistake about that. 1) I myself am a deer hunter in Maine, and I will see you in hell before I give up my three firearms. This is America, we are a diverse nation with a tradition of hunting, and PLENTY of Dems especially in rural areas hunt and target shoot. Most gun owners are fine with reasonable provisions to keep guns away from criminals, kids, and mentally ill people, but start talking like you do here and it will DOOM us. 2) Legal but rare on abortion is absolutely a policy. You push education, prevention, adoption, and regulation, but it remains legal. 3) The country as a whole is not ready for national gay marriage, much as you would like to see it happen. Face reality on it. Maybe in time, but not yet, and you can't force it down their throats. I think most ARE ready for equal rights in all other social venues (jobs, school, accommodations, etc. as we have in Maine) and most are ok with civil unions, but we just aren't there on marriage yet, and Obama and Biden were damn smart to reject it as national public policy. 4) It is absolutely fine to discuss religion in our party and to talk a lot about how Jesus shared our values.
Clinton was successful because he ran and governed from the center. We are moving fast toward a new progressive and populist center on economics and foreign policy. Social issue remain center/center-right whether we like it or not. Many of us have learned this lesson. Our job is to keep the trend moving fast toward progressive-populist on the economy, and move very slowly and carefully on the social issues. That is a winnning strategy which will add to the R's doom, a party that is now flailing and trying to figure out whether it is going to go "hip hop" as their new RNC Chairman wants, or if they are going to huddle around Rush, Sean, Bill, and Ann and their right wingers in congress. It will be interesting to watch them struggle, but we must not help them. We must stay UNITED even if we always don't agree (we MUST have a big tent), and we must keep our finger on AMERICA'S pulse, not just our own.