The embedded video above is the wind up of the meeting and the meeting itself is below.
Former President Al Gore begins 16 minutes in and Former President Bill Clinton at 24 minutes.
Both parts below add up just under to 2 hours in total and I haven't had a chance to watch them all through. I haven't found the part where Steven Chu or Nancy Pelosi begin talking yet, for example, so if anyone finds the start times before I add them, please feel free to add...
Part 1 (Harry Reid starts at 3:46 and Former President Bill Clinton starts at 8:20): 2 (haven't had time to watch it yet but will add the other start times later): Democratic Leaders Mull Ideas for Energy IndependenceBy Julia Ritchey
Former U.S. President Bill Clinton and former Vice President Al Gore joined together in Washington Monday to urge the United States to reduce its dependence on foreign oil. Officials at the conference say the United States needs to distance itself from volatile prices and the countries that provide the bulk of oil imports.
Former Vice President Al Gore, who won a Nobel Peace Prize for his work on global warming, says the climate crisis, the economic crisis and national security challenges are exacerbated by our dependence on fossil fuels.
"The common thread running through all of them is our ridiculous over-dependence on dirty, dangerous, expensive, carbon-based fuels," he said. "Grab that thread and pull on it and all three of these crises begin to unravel. And we hold in our hands the answer which is a generational one-off investment to switch from an energy infrastructure that's based on these carbon-based fuels to a new infrastructure that's based on fuels that are free forever."
Those resources include wind, sun and geothermal power, the go-to clean energy sources that President Barack Obama and congressional leaders hope can be used to power American homes and businesses.