Edited on Thu May-07-09 01:01 PM by Jack Rabbit
Following Rush Windbag's recipe for disaster will lose more elections.
We need a teaching tour.
What on earth does that mean? That conservatives right wing morons have all the answers and don't need any input from the common people in a democratic system?
What are they going to teach and to whom?
Do they plan to go to Harlem to teach black people that they're just a bunch of lazy bastards who belong in the slammer and are genetically too stupid to have the right to vote?
Do they plan to go to East LA to teach Hispanic Americans that because their brethren are here illegally that it is reasonable to suspect that they are all illegal aliens and that they shouldn't whine about being deported or having their right to vote challenged?
Do they plan to go to the synagogues and mosques of America (and perhaps even the Mormon temples) to teach those assembled that to be real Americans they must accept Jesus Christ as their personal savior or burn in Hell for eternity?
Do they plan to go to a meeting of the National Organization for Women to teach them that they've lost their way, that there bodies belong to God and not to them and that they should submit to beatings from brutal husbands and boyfriends?
Do they plan to go to a gay rights rally and teach them that they've just made a voluntary decision to be anti-social and go against the laws of God and nature?
Do they plan to teach Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch that they are a bunch of wimps who have no cajones to torture any enemy of America who will resist having his country invaded and his country's national wealth expropriated by Wall Street crooks backed by the Marines and Blackwater?
Do they plan to teach the ACLU that the law and the will of the president are one, as long as the president is a right wing Christo-fascist imperialist war criminal with the IQ of a preforming flea?
Do they plan to go to a meeting of a labor organizing committee and teach them that their corporate master sitting on their fat asses have earned the money that they're not paying workers and that if they had to pay Americans a living wage with benefits there would be no jobs at all?
Do they plan to go to our universities to teach professors of science that evolution and anthropogenic climate change are examples of junk science and that creationism is a valid scientific theory, to teach professors of political science that the Bill of Rights (except for the Second Amendment) may be invalidated at the whim of the President by imperial decree, and to teach professors of history that G. W. Bush was our greatest president and that it didn't really matter that he stole two presidential elections because he was anointed by God to rule the world?
Yeah, Rush. Your dittoheads have a lot to teach us and don't need to listen to anybody but you.