It is interesting to see the remarks about the hig incidence of Kidney Stones, and attribute it soley to not having enough water. That is part of it, but it's most likely due to the fact that the soldiers have been exposed to large numbers of parasites which form the nucleus for the stones themselves. The soldier that is in Houston now, separated from duty, needs to have himslef tested for any of a number of parasites. It doesn't sound like he is aware of it. It is certain that most docotrs are not aware of it, because parasites don't seem to have a high priority in modern medicine, even though the rest of the world is battling against them constantly.
There are a great many waterborne parasitic diseases in the middle east, just ask the Brit's, French, and other empires that were chased out by the chronic disease in the past.
The impression I get from moedern medicine is total ineptitude. There is a total ignorance of good nutrition, good hydration, R&R and everything is relegated to Pharmacalogical control. It's total Bullshit, and it's sad to see the brain dead soldiers unknowingly subject themselves to a potential lifetime of pain and suffering when these problems finally come to the surface and cause issues down the road. Top off the Physical infection with mental neuroses, and you have a recipie for some fucked up shit.
It's almost like the Government knowingly allows children to play with toxic substances, and then disavows any responsibility for it.
Another thing is this Electrical incompetance by Contractors, resulting in electrocutions of troops.
If I were a soldier, the first time I got word of some event like that, I would demand a discharge, and take an article 15. Barring that, I would request instruction on Electricity and learn how to keep myself safe. Electricity is not that difficult to understand, and if one doesn't think they need to learn about it, they may be right, but if they don't learn about electrity and take action, they may be dead, injured or be set up for a life of pain and agony. As if experiencing combat first hand isn't enough.