Orgy and Fear, The Third Party The Media, Abortion, Gay Rights Guns and Taxes
FEAR, They are going to take your guns away, Ha Ha, Ho Ho, He He, the truth does not matter. If they do not take the guns away the NRA will say it was because of them, Its another Catch 22 theme of the Far Right.
Look at the third party, The Media. The Media consists of Rich and Very Rich Corporation wanting back total control. Republicans theme for now is, Abortion, Gay Rights and Guns……… Lets not forget Taxes.
The Conservatives have taken the country down the path of Power and Greed, for the rich by the rich and left the country in total dept, now blame anyone but themselves.
How did this happen, The Media, Politicians, Bankers/Wall Street and Government jumped into bed together for the Orgy of the New Millennium. At every turn they sucked Billions from the everyday citizens, how? Pensions, Home Loans, Savings, Gas Prices, Credit Cards, Wall Street.
Look at the Media, one day it’s the Gays, the next day its Abortion and always Guns and lets not forget Taxes. Who is going to foot the bill for the Orgy? Well look at companies like AIG, they insured a good part of the orgy and dumped it on the tax payers with the blessing of guys like Allen Greenspan.
I am a Democrat, against Abortion, Pro Gun the Gays are not bothering me a bit and for Taxes well when we are all jobless without income are tax burden will end.
The media right now is the countries worst enemy, they have bought up TV, Cable, Phone, Satellite and Radio stations with few owning most. They control the message and Greed is what they do best, no matter the cost.