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Pinnacle Of Journalistic IRRESPONSIBILITY Times Reporter John Frank Ignites Tempest In A Teapot!

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DaLittle Kitty Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat May-23-09 07:35 PM
Original message
Pinnacle Of Journalistic IRRESPONSIBILITY Times Reporter John Frank Ignites Tempest In A Teapot!
Run time: 09:23
Posted on YouTube: May 23, 2009
By YouTube Member:
Views on YouTube: 0
Posted on DU: May 24, 2009
By DU Member: DaLittle Kitty
Views on DU: 3314
Former Congressional Candidate and 2006-08 Democratic Nominee John Russell gives a speech on the problems with the American political system...At The OathKeepers Inaugural Rally in downtown Tampa, Florida May 21, 2009...

and current announced candidate for Florida District 5 Congressional seat Jim Piccillo goes bonkers :freak:!

You tell me... Does John Russell say in this speech that he is a candidate for congress in 2010? Yes or No?


:wtf: speech was Piccillo watching and "listening" to?

:wtf: school of "Journalism" did John Frank attend where facts are immaterial to the process and are NEVER verified?

Mr. Piccillo mysteriously paranoid :crazy: about the continued public activism of the previous candidate is in a "tizzy" :crazy: and goes bananas sending out press releases trying to justify his own curious behavior.

:think: He must be finding out just how tough it really is to try and be a candidate for any office, much less congress.

The article appearing on the Buzz written by St. Petersburg Times "reporter" John Frank who was the ONLY "reporter" to take the bait and publicize this much adeu' about nothing "story." :think:

Read the comments...

Watch the video and read John Frank's blog and compare what's written :spank: vs what you see and hear.

The Times, once widely regarded as a "Liberal" paper is today far from it. Krugman is now a rarity on what remains of the editorial page and the management of the paper is totally Right Wing.

The paranoia of candidate Piccillo is palpable in that John Russell whose mere presence in public has a "media whore for the Republicans and in particular Ginny Brown-Waite," salivating in characterizing FORMER candidate John Russell as a political opponent of the neophyte candidate, who clearly has lied his arse off to a "reporter" who publishes solely on the word of this crazy man... both of whom's credibility errr NOT... being completely exposed for what it is in this video. :toast:

:woohoo: John Russell EXPOSING AN AGENT OF THE CROOKED MSM! :applause:

Part 2 and conclusion of John's speech (uncut)

Famous for Freudian gaffe (Republican at the time now a Democrat?), Piccillo Announces Biden at Rally as McCain!

Congressional Quarterly Story

The problem as Da Little Kitty sees it, is that the Florida Democratic Party recoils at the thought of a progressive candidate running for ANY office.

FDP: Facetious? Not Really... "True progressives MUST be opposed at ALL costs and the best candidate for the Democrats is of course, an ex-Republican."

Just ask Lt. Colonel Bob Bowman (D) who ran against Weldon in 2006 who also spoke at this event.

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MissPuddy Donating Member (110 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat May-23-09 09:13 PM
Response to Original message
1. St. Pete Times used to be it's a rag sheet...GOSSIP!
John Frank should check out his sources before writing a story as fact. This Piccillo guy looks like a real novice. Wait till John Frank throws him under the bus to create a sensational story out of nothing. It'll be easy. The man introduced Joe Biden as "McCain." How hard is it to read a cue card?
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DaLittle Kitty Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Sep-23-09 09:01 PM
Response to Reply #1
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Liberal_Christian Donating Member (387 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat May-23-09 10:29 PM
Response to Original message
2. This is the first time I have ever heard of this guy, I like what he has to say, I'd vote for him
in a heart beat. Most democrats and republicans are "two different sides of the same bent coin" because of the very issues this man brings up. I think most rational Liberals and rational Conservatives alike can agree on this; because of how both parties are catering to big business and big corporations, are economy, our environment, our lively-hood, our health, our security, and in essence our freedom have all been left out to dry for a paycheck and a corporate legislative vote.

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FreeJG Donating Member (304 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun May-24-09 10:14 AM
Response to Reply #2
3. I'll vote for John Russell too!
If he runs...

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DaLittle Kitty Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jun-28-09 03:33 PM
Response to Reply #3
16. Timing IS Everything!
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DaLittle Kitty Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon May-25-09 12:24 PM
Response to Reply #2
7. You Gottit Right! John Has Been ALL Over THIS BS For Years!
Thank the Lord for John Russell and Lt Col. Bob Bowman! :)
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DaLittle Kitty Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jun-16-09 09:53 AM
Response to Reply #2
15. John ALWAYS Tells IT Like IT IS!
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DaLittle Kitty Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Sep-09-09 04:41 AM
Response to Reply #15
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FreeJG Donating Member (304 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun May-24-09 10:17 AM
Response to Original message
4. Great job John
The video is great!!!
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DaLittle Kitty Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun May-24-09 10:59 AM
Response to Reply #4
5. Hey HACK Journalist John Frank...Here Is DA TRUTH ON DISNEY!!! John Russell Was Attacked By FDP !
I am sick and tired of ASSHOLES like St Pete Times BLOGGER/"reporter" John Frank trashing John Russell! John speaks the TRUTH and he does so very well and these pieces of garbage that do the dirty business of the ESTABLISHMENT want to keep John down because if the larger public ever discovered this man he would be launched right to the top and the powers that be would pay the price.

:think:So finally, here is the TRUTH BEHIND DISNEY with video documentation which John explains to the viewer second by second as it occurs.

:freak: Watch as the "dirty dawgs" like Pasco County Chairwoman Allison Morano coordinates the attack on John.

Watch as ex- half ass pro wrestler 6'6" 280 pound Mitch Kates attempts to swipe the camera away from John's good friend Mark Adams.

:freak: These party hacks are MORONS fully explaining WHY the Florida Democratic Party is so blatantly ineffective and HOPELESS!

:think: As you can see John has no problem with posting this story on his website because he did nothing out of line to merit this attack except attend an event that he was an INVITED DELEGATE TO. AMAZING!

The Disney Controversy: "Banned From Disney For Life!"

Fact Vs. Fiction

Given that people who arranged for the whole "Disney Attack On John Russell" at the 2007 Florida Democratic Convention and who now use their version of events to continue to attack my character, I proudly offer those who seek it, the TRUTH about the event and the people who arranged it.

Fair people can then judge for themselves whether the accusations made about myself and my character regarding the Disney affair are legitimate... or NOT? By the way, Trespass Warnings by law are only enforceable for one yea, after that they expire. Banned for life? I don't think so...

Description of Events As My Party Entered The Convention
Upon entering the convention, I was not at all concerned about any issues regarding the legitimacy of my being there. After all, I was an invited delegate to the 2007 Florida Democratic Party Convention and not only that, had less than one year ago represented the Democratic Party as its nominee in Florida's 5th Congressional District race to unseat incumbent congresswoman Ginny Brown-Waite. I was not completely naive however, knowing full well that party insiders did not appreciate my willingness to question the motives/actions of Democratic Party leaders as quickly as I would any Republican.

:think:One of the reasons that I may not have been welcome on this weekend was the fact that on Sunday, the very next day, there was a formal effort planned to attempt to oust the Chair of the Florida Democratic Party. Based on the events that subsequently occurred in that meeting, the usual characters involved in defending the indefensible actions of the Chair, knew that were I to be present, I would not allow the juvenile antics that were employed by Steve Geller et al to go unchallenged. Now, please read the following, then click on the link to view what follows.

:think:In this UNCUT version the viewers will note at 3:31 on the clock, Ms. Alison Morano in a light pink skirt carrying her jacket accompanies, then trails slightly behind Democratic Party "thug" Mitch Kates as he returns to eject this writer from the 2007 Florida Democratic Convention.

:think:I witnessed Mr. Kates make a cell phone call as he retreated to a room off the main concourse following his initial physical attack on myself as well as videographer Mark Adams. This is visible just prior to 3:23 on the timeline.

:think:Mr. Luis Cuevas as well as Sheldon Packer of PDA both personally advised me that they watched as the events unfolded less than 5 minutes after myself, Mark Adams as well as my wife entered the building.

:think:Mr. Packer having personally escorted me and interceded on my behalf at his insistence with a table owner adjacent to Clint Curtiss on which he hoped to locate some John Edwards signs which I had brought with me to promote my candidate, was next to me as the attack described in greater detail below took place.

The above all occurring just prior to my being vigorously "checked" by Msr. Kates (without warning) from behind... just seconds after which having regained my balance, I tossed the video camera to Mr Adams who then immediately commenced shooting the video footage seen in the google video below. Mr. Packer was right next to me as I was clobbered from behind by Mr. Kates!

:think:Recognizing Ms. Morano now, the viewer can then back-track slightly to 3:23 on the clock, where the viewer can see Ms. Morano, Pasco County, Florida Democratic Executive Committee Chairwoman walk past the camera and enter a doorway where at the 3:31 mark she re-emerges with Mr. Kates.

As a retained email from Mr. Cal Branche will attest, Exhibit 1 (See it below), I was an invited delegate to the 2007 convention, having placed my signature on a document affirming my oath as such, notarized at a Pasco County Florida DEC meeting in Spring of 2007.

:think: Alison and Karen and Mitch! Note... It is important for certain people who with malice and forethought in seeking to damage the credibility of another, that such individuals recognize, that making false statements and assertions about the character or stability about another person publicly, is not only inappropriate, but may be construed as libelous.

:think:I was subsequently ejected from Disney by Sheriff's Deputies at the request of Mitch Kates on orders from Ms. Morano, stating that I was being "disruptive."

Yes, I reacted verbally not physically as is apparent in the tape, having done so purposely after having been forcefully physically accosted without warning from behind no less, by Mr. Kates who is 6'6'' 280 pounds to my 5'8" 160 pounds.

SUMMARY It was clear that Mr. Kate's goal was to goad me into reacting physically to his aggression UNTIL he saw that he was being filmed by Mark Adams. Once he noticed that he was being filmed, Mr. Kates turned his aggression on Mark Adams who was in control of the camera, attempting to wrest the camera from the hands of Mr. Adams. Note Mr Kate's hand grasping at the camera clearly visible on the tape!

I did not attend this event as anyone other than a solid Progressive Democrat who had won the nomination of his party in the 2006 mid-term election.. (much to the chagrin of insider Democrats I might add), and as perhaps, an at the time as yet unannounced 2008 candidate.

This, like most of the attendees, in addition to supporting my Presidential candidate of choice at the time, John Edwards.

:think:Point of note, having been in the building not even 5 minutes with my wife rushing off to the bathroom and not having been in this particular venue before, I was fully planning on contributing my $50 dollars to the convention to most assuredly avoid ANY incident... But of course if I was truly prescient regarding this situation we would have had the camera on before we entered the building!

Full and UN-Cut Video of the event here!

October 2005

:think:As some may be aware, I was regarded well enough after my close second place finish in the 2004 Democratic Primary, that I was selected as just one of 18 candidates from across the nation to attend the AFSCME/NewHouse PAC Congressional Boot Camp in Phoenix Arizona in October of 2005.

Campaign Manager Jim Clarke and myself were honored to represent the Democrats of West Central Florida in meeting with then future House Speaker Nancy Pelosi as part of the schedule of events.

:wow:Some other candidates from accross the nation whose names you might recognize who also attended were Charlie Brown of California, FBI Whistle Blower Colleen Rowley who graced the cover of Time Magazine, the New Mexico State Attorney General at the time whose name I do not recall as well as Sarasota's Christine Jennings among the overall contingent of invitees.

WHO IS John Russell?

NOT... WHO "THEY" Say I Am!

People can believe what they want or "need" to believe about me, as I have been negatively portrayed using similarly "concocted" stories in the media and "elsewhere" with help from Republicans and Democrats alike.

I am proud to have been attacked as I have been to a quite severe extent by the media, as well as the "powers that be" through their lackies and shills which by the way include members of the media, because if I were not a threat to the status quo and its protectors I would have neither been opposed or attacked. These people understand that my propensity for being direct and pulling no punches with regard to party affiliation is damaging to their agenda; A characteristic that ingratiates me with some, while at times enraging others.

If you have a question I am available, as Mr. Piccillo :freak: found out when he attempted to contact me on Friday May 8, 2009. Returning Mr. Piccillo's call, and his line being busy we later that evening shared a relatively brief and pleasant conversation regarding District 5 and the upcoming 2010 race.

I wished him well noting that running for office I found to be on the whole, personally gratifying, despite all the frustrations and the like that can and do occur.

It is an honor to be able to present your ideas to the people whose role then, is to make their decision based on whatever information is available from various sources. Offering a bit of caution to Jim, I noted that not everything that is "published" ...will be "accurate." :)Boy IF THIS ARTICLE BY JOHN FRANK IS NOT THE FINAL STORY ON THAT I DON'T KNOW WHAT IS! :) John Frank and Jimmy P. STEPPED RIGHT IN Itttt. Haaaa!

Go John Russell who IS NOT A CANDIDATE in 2010 as yet but will be perhaps in the future. 2012 might be good! Go Dave Werder!!!!

I am confident from my past experience that I reached many people with my ideas despite the mis-direction plays orchestrated by those from a variety of other arenas who harbor "differing" agendas.

As for my plans for 2010, I advised Mr. Piccillo that much can and will happen in the many months ahead before our next election...

Soooo... As Mr. Blutarski once so aptly stated...
"Nothing is over UNTIL WE SAY IT IS!"

What I'm all about as well as my contact information is quite clear and available on balance by reviewing my website. The content of my website is strictly of my creation and conveyed to the internet by my hand. Updates are pending...

VIDEOS A variety of videos on a wide range of topics including video of my debates with my Republican opponent are available on my Primary Youtube Channel, Link is below

For a VERY entertaining parody of the whole Disney event (somewhat more accurately described above than by my political opponents), watch this fun video featuring Triumph The Comic Insult Dog and yours truly... I do have a sense of humor you know!

Click on the link below.

Exhibit 1

Email Requesting Payment From Delegates

To The 2007 Florida Democratic Party Convention

From The Pasco County Democratic Executive Committee

from calvin branche
date Sat, Jul 14, 2007 at 2:36 PM
subject Delegate Convention payments


Follow up message
Dear Pasco Democrat:

The FDP noted that no election for the State Convention was necessary in our case; all who handed in the Delegate Qualification forms will be going to the State Convention in October. More information on that event will be forthcoming.

However, there are several delegates who have not paid the 50.00 fee. Checks should be made out to the Pasco DEC and sent to: Amanda Murphy, Treasurer, 4657 Mill Run Dr., New Port Richey, FL 34653 (813-202-1112)


Our official deadline for forwarding Delegate Qualifying Forms, Loyalty Oaths & monies is August 13th at midnight. Your timely attention to this matter will be much appreciated.


Please make sure you have submitted your payment to Amanda by August 4th so that we can meet the state deadline in a timely manner.


Take Care, John Russell, Dade City, Florida
Copyright 2009 John Russell
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DaLittle Kitty Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun May-24-09 12:16 PM
Response to Reply #5
6. Latest Twitter from Jim Piccillo On SILICONE VALLEY?
Jim Piccillo famous or INfamaous for his gaffe in introducing Joe Biden as urp@$#@%&* John McCain apparently was not all that unusual for the "nationally known" public figure urp%#@&^*@!

Per his latest twitter entry today, Sunday May 24,2009, Jim is now announcing himself as a proponent of purrrfect titties as witness below. What more need be said?
I am committed to working with local small businesses to help the FL 5th become the Silicone Valley of the Green Industrial Revolution NOW!about 2 hours ago from TweetDeck
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DaLittle Kitty Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue May-26-09 10:54 PM
Response to Reply #6
9. National Home Retention Alliance Piccillo's Company REcently "PULLED" From Craig's List!
Ad discontinued from Craig's List Monday Night! Gotta get ridda da evidence eh? :nuke:

Lowest pieces of crap do this to people! :spank: EXPIRED? PULLED?
email this posting to a friend
please flag with care:
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PostingID: 1137836813
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DaLittle Kitty Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue May-26-09 10:30 PM
Response to Reply #4
8. John Russell Is A Rarity Among Those Who Run Today. He Steps Up For Us!
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DaLittle Kitty Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jun-01-09 08:45 AM
Response to Reply #8
10. Go John!!!!!!!!!
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DaLittle Kitty Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jun-06-09 12:15 PM
Response to Reply #8
11. John Frank and St. Pete Times HIDE Evidence Using Fascist Tactics by NOT Displaying The Comment
section of the article as posted under tampabaybuzz as compared to the original article. Trying to HIDE the video link which displays ALL the evidence that completely refutes Piccillo's nonsense taken as dictation by rookie reporter John Frank. :dunce:

If you've read this far in this OP then you most certainly have taken note of the links to the video of John's speech, the Disney fiction etc. This is merely to document the incredible and complete lack of credibility of the St. Pete Times, and their employee who is apparently well regarded by his employer for his "shoddy" hesitate to use the word so loosely errrp "journalism skills? :spank: :nopity:

Here is the Buzz link which includes ONLY the following....


John Russell gets heated with another opponent

UPDATED: 05/21/2009

UPDATE 5/29: John Russell never responded to a phone call requesting an interview but he posted a response below in the comments section. He doesn't explicitly refute Piccillo's description of the confrontation but denies mentioning his desire to run again for Congress. He posted video that appears to support his assertion. However, he does continue to send e-mails from his address concerning his views on national issues. (The latest is a May 24 letter to President Barack Obama about the Iraq war.) Even his own comments below leave the issue of his candidacy unresolved.

John Russell's campaign antics are well known. His tendency to get combative is legendary. (Remember Disney?) Even Russell often repeats how Congresswoman Ginny Brown-Waite noted his "propensity for violence."

But this time his target isn't the Brooksville Republican. Democrat Jim Piccillo called to relay a confrontation with Russell in downtown Tampa today.

Apparently Russell, a Dade City Democrat, spoke at a rally and declared he is the best candidate to beat Brown-Waite in 2010. (I say apparently because Russell didn't return a call to confirm Piccillo's story.) The problem: he's not even a registered candidate yet and said recently he wasn't sure he would run.

Piccillo asked Russell about it after the rally. They spoke. And then Piccillo returned to his office down the street. Russell followed him. Into the building.And into Piccillo's private office. Piccillo said Russell was screaming and yelling in his face about how he was the best candidate. (I guess he forgets that he lost 3 bids for Congress.) Piccillo told him to back off, and when he didn't pushed him to regain personal space. Piccillo then told him to leave and when he didn't he called Tampa Police.

The police confronted Russell outside the building. Piccillo said Russell admitted trespassing but police made no arrest and issued no citations.

Again, this all comes from Piccillo -- though Russell will surely call with his own (much different) account -- and no police reports were made. But it fits a familiar pattern. If anything, it means the campaign is sure to only get more testy as the election nears.

John Frank, Times staff writer

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Which is ANYTHING BUT full and complete. Must be jusst an error... Hmmm? :think:

NOW... As compared to the original link to the entire article below
...including Reporter Frank's addendum trying to CYA as well as the COMMENTS which are where THE TRUTH is conveniently located.

Lawd knows what would the St. Pete Times ever want to do with publishing the facts anyway?:think:
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DaLittle Kitty Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jun-06-09 12:59 PM
Response to Reply #11
12. Jim Piccillo Voted Not Once, But TWICE For George W. Bush!!! WOW!!!
But Now Jim has seen da light

BTW Young Piccillo Voted TWICE for George W. Bush! I guess when the money was coming in from "pushing" mortgages the Bush Economic Plan worked well for young Jim.

Once young Jim saw the light (AFTER BEING FIRED FROM HIS MORTGAGE BANKER JOB!) he soured a little on the Bush policy. Where would young Jim's political perspective be IF he DID NOT Get FIRED Hmmm? :think:

...For Mr. Piccillo, 34, skepticism arrived with the Republican convention. After voting twice for George W. Bush, :) he said he was especially turned off when Rudolph W. Giuliani, the former New York mayor, mocked Mr. Obama’s early work as a community organizer.

“Those are the people I’m looking to for help,” said Mr. Piccillo, a former mortgage banker who said he had sent out 1,500 résumés without finding a job.

There are, of course, enthusiastic McCain fans in Pasco County, perhaps none more so than Bill Bunting, chairman of the county’s Republican Party. Mr. Bunting said he had opened four offices this year, up from two in 2004, to compete with the Obama campaign’s one.

Inside his headquarters, the walls are covered with photographs of Republican leaders, including Gov. Charlie Crist — a sign of the party’s local dominance, and one reason Mr. Bunting is confident he can get far more people to the polls.
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MissPuddy Donating Member (110 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jun-07-09 01:11 PM
Response to Reply #12
13. How can this guy Piccillo run as a Democrat when he voted for Bush twice?
Running for Congress in Florida's District 5 as a Democrat? How can this ex-Republican who voted for Bush twice share Democratic values? This is a sham!
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MissPuddy Donating Member (110 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jun-07-09 04:25 PM
Response to Reply #13
14. If Piccillo voted TWICE for Bush...then he certainly voted for Ginny Brown-Waite in 2006 & 2008
Piccillo is a former Republican running for Congress in Florida's District 5 as a DEMOCRAT yet he likely voted for Ginny Brown-Waite(R), whom he hopes to replace. :wtf: He voted for BUSH twice!

Why not just run as a Republican against the incumbent Brown-Waite? Why run as a Democrat? This guy is really shady! :thumbsdown:
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DaLittle Kitty Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jul-26-09 12:34 PM
Response to Reply #14
17. Doubtless, That Was Indeed The Case!
:crazy: and corrupt!
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DaLittle Kitty Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Aug-18-09 07:11 PM
Response to Reply #13
18. Piciful!
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