It IS so much better than the last eight years.....almost
every presidency in American history was better than the
"Bush Years." The problem is, instead of helping the
poor and the lower middle class citizens, or even including
them in any "Bailout", or jobs program; they have
been shut-out. I campaigned for President Obama. Then, he
appoints a super wealthy elitist crook (Geithner) to give
Billions$(heading to trillion$) to wealthy wall streeters
whose illegal actions are mostly responsible for the financial
mess we are in. IMO he should have (and probably will still
have to after all of this money fails, because of their
inherent GREED) nationalized the crooked financial and
insurance companies and then dealt with their dirty tricks
while still operating as a viable institution, on the "up
and up."
He has continued many of the same illegal "tricks"
that Bush used to screw average Americans and to keep them ill
informed. ie..signing statements, withholding memos and photos
that belong to every US citizen. He used the "they'll
cause harm to our troops, B.S. to do it) let me tell
you...those memos and photos have long been used as
recruitment tools for terrorists. They just do not want
Americans to see how low our government has sunk. The refusal
to even investigate the crimes (and the promise of no
prosecutions, to the "hands on" perpetrators)of the
Bush administration was not "change we can believe
in." "We need to look forward", my ass. We need
to know our history, rectify it, then move on, or we are bound
to repeat it. President Obama, has done nothing, not even
fought for single payer health care, for anyone who is not
wealthy in this country. $250,000??? what "average"
American has that for an annual salary? I understand that he
was using that as a cut-off point for tax increases, but
honestly, I am truly inspired by F.D.R. and the "NEW
DEAL", unfortunately, while President Obama may have ben
as busy as FDR was, he has NOT in any way helped average
Americans, the way that FDR did.