Edited on Thu May-28-09 10:39 PM by hotnuke
This time he TOTALLY fails to actually put the quote in context. Yes, he reads the rest of the statement in full, but without mentioning that the statement was made in REFERENCE to a question about how justices rule on race and sex discrimination cases he's left the listener free to surmise that Sotomayor is still talking about all cases, and not simply those specific type. In that kind of context, one could easily draw the conclusion that her remarks, while maybe not racist, were wrong at least.
That is simply not the case. Not only were her statements not racist, they weren't wrong in any way shape or form, precisely because she is making them in regard to justices dealing with race and sex discrimination cases, and she never made a statement of "FACT".
Furthermore, although he touches on it in a slight way without even realizing it, he doesn't, as my criticism of Eric Boehlert's of Media Matters for America, and Gil Smart's defenses of SotoMayor's statement mentioned, actually deal with the most important issue here. The "Knockout Punch" as I like to call it in regard to this issue.
Sotomayor stated "I would HOPE that a wise Latina woman with the richness of her experiences would MORE OFTEN THAN NOT reach a better conclusion than a white male who hasn't lived that life.".
The emphasis in any defense of Sotomayor's statement should begin and end with those words from her statement I've highlighted. She never advocated once that she thought a Latina woman WOULD ALWAYS reach a better conclusion than a white male in ALL cases. She simply stated a HOPE that a wise Latina woman, with the richness of her experiences, would MORE OFTEN THAN NOT, reach a better conclusion (on race and sexual discrimination cases) than a white male (would) who hasn't lived that life.
Emphasizing the words I have, and remembering to mention that the CONTEXT in this issue also includes the fact she was talking about cases of racial and sexual discrimination that would come before justices, accurately and emphatically defends her statement, and shows it's not only not racist, but completely and utterly correct. Anyone who would try to purport it as racist is not only morally and intellectually bankrupt, but are absolutely grasping at straws, for something this ridiculous, in the age of Google, will never in a million years derail her confirmation.
I truly wonder if the Repugliturds actually grasp the damage they're doing to their own party with this nonsense.