For years the Bushies ran over us. Yet, we never heard a peep from her, despite the fact that she has one of the safest seats in the Senate. We had to go to white males from Red states like Byrd, and Hollings to hear anyone stand up to Bush, prior to 2004. Others then started to go after Bush too, but not Mikulski.
Don't get me wrong, she wasn't a Joe Lieberman, and most her colleagues suck(ed) too. But I'm not their constituent, I'm her constituent. I heard for decades how tough this self-proclaimed fighter is.
But when we needed her, we never heard from her. All I heard from her people was "Well, she's doing a lot to protect Goddard Space Center. And she's trying to increase funding for breast cancer research." What the hell is that? I expect my Senator to bring home bacon AND to stand up for what is right. Apparently this "fighter" can't fight while she is trying to increase funding for Goddard.
While I have no doubt she'll get re-elected (hell, even Lieberman got re-elected) I PRAY TO GOD she retires in 2010 and that we get some fresh blood.