It is now official -- the Democrats have screwed us over.
We will not get access to affordable health care.
We will not get an overhaul of the current, corporate for huge profit system.
We will get mandates to buy private, overpriced and under delivering insurance (insurance, not health CARE).
It will be play or pay -- you don't want to give the private insurance corporations up to 8% of your hard earned income for high deductible, low coverage, i.e. practically useless insurance plan --tough! Pay the fines or go to jail.
Don't count on the promised subsidies -- when the Repubs get back in again, in 2010 or 2012 (especially if the corporate Dems pass a monstrosity of a bill like this), they will reduce or eliminate most of the subsidies. After all, they had no problems cutting the CHIPS health care insurance for children.
The public option, according to the CBO as announced by Rachel Maddow on her show November 19th, will only cover an estimated ONE percent of the public. It is also estimated that approximately 1/3 of the states will 'opt out' of a public option altogether. If you are in one of those states, tough luck.
Taxes and fines begin in 2010, but coverage won't until 2013. Where is the reporting on that?
Summary of House version of the bill:
Includes mandate.
Penalty: Tax equal to 2.5 percent of adjusted gross income over certain thresholds ($9,350 for individuals, $18,700 for couples).
Exemptions: American Indians, people with religious objections and people who can show financial
Summary of Senate version of the bill:
Includes mandate.
Penalty: Starts at $95 a year per person in 2014 and rises to $350 in 2015 and $750 in 2016, with a maximum of $2,250 for a family. No penalty if the cost of cheapest available plan exceeds 8 percent of household income.
Exemptions: American Indians, people with religious objections and people who can show financial hardship.
Per TaxProf Blog at TAX INCREASES are included in the Senate health care bill, for a total of $370.2 BILLION IN NEW TAXES. They are:
40% excise tax on health coverage in excess of $8,500/$23,000 ($149.1 billion)
Employer W-2 reporting of value of health (negligible revenue effect)
Conform definition of medical expenses ($5.0 billion)
Increase penalty for non-qualified health savings account distributions to 20% ($1.3 billion)
Limit health flexible spending arrangements in cafeteria plans to $2,500 ($14.6 billion)
Require information reporting on payments to corporations ($17.1 billion)
Additional requirements for section 501(c)(3) hospitals (negligible revenue effects)
Impose annual fee on manufacturers & importers of branded drugs ($22.2 billion)
Impose annual fee on manufacturers & importers of medical devices ($19.3 billion)
Impose annual fee on health insurance providers ($60.4 billion)
Study and report of effect on veterans health care (no revenue effect)
Eliminate deduction for expenses allocable to Medicare Part D subsidy ($5.4 billion)
Raise 7.5% AGI floor on medical expenses deduction to 10% ($15.2 billion)
$500,000 deduction limitation on taxable year remuneration to health insurance officials ($0.6 billion)
Additional 0.5% hospital insurance tax on wages > $200,000 ($250,000 joint) ($53.8 billion)
Modification of section 833 treatment of certain health organizations ($0.4 billion)
Impose 5% excise tax on cosmetic surgery ($5.8 billion)
Some of these people on this site, if they are not paid hacks for the insurance corporations, they are acting like anxious mistresses in that they say the bill needs to be passed first and fixed later. They believe, like mistresses, that even though they are the 3rd affair of the adulterer for the year, they are somehow special and the adulterer will treat them better and end up marrying them. Yeah, right.
Remember that when we were sold NAFTA by Clinton, Gore & corporate media, we were told it could be renegotiated and fixed in 6 months if it wasn't working out. It's now 15 years later and NAFTA wasn't fixed or renegotiated and it has devastated Detroit. In just the past few weeks Whirlpool and Electrolux have moved almost 2000 jobs to Mexico. Never mind that NAFTA has destroyed the value of our dollar.
Let's talk about Bill Clinton's capital gains tax cut to 15% that rewarded the rich for moving those jobs out of the US. That hasn't been fixed either, in fact, they now want to eliminate the capital gains tax altogether for their rich friends.
Then there's the Telecommunications bill from 1996. Newt told us all after passing the bill with Clinton, that our cable bills would drop to $15 a month. I don't know about yours, but my cable bill is $60 a month for BASIC cable. Another lie.
You can't fix legislation later that is being controlled by monopolies like the health care industry.
Obama ran as an anti-current establishment, reform progressive but apparently, behind the scenes, he is going behind our backs and cutting bad deals with the industry he is supposed to be protecting us from in the health care debate, the industry that he ran against during the campaign.
Recently on MSNBC, it was reported Clinton told the Senate Dems that they should pass whatever they can so they can declare a victory even though Bill was against the Republican MANDATES in 1994 and opposed them at that time in his health care boondoggle.
We are being sold out for "whatever." Whatever is more important than REAL health care reform - it's all about their self-serving agendas and the rich they represent. The rest is just lies and rhetoric.
Obama-Orwell, more corporate "chains" you can believe in.
This bill cannot be fixed -- the "fix" is already in the bill -- the CORPORATE FIX.