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Pro-Democracy in Iran Music Video - Op-Critical - Exclusive Footage

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ThirdChoice Donating Member (674 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-08-09 06:07 PM
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Pro-Democracy in Iran Music Video - Op-Critical - Exclusive Footage
Edited on Tue Dec-08-09 06:07 PM by ThirdChoice
Run time: 05:37
Posted on YouTube: December 06, 2009
By YouTube Member:
Views on YouTube: 0
Posted on DU: December 08, 2009
By DU Member: ThirdChoice
Views on DU: 456
National Youth Organizations Launch Campaigns And Videos In Support Of Iranian Citizens On Iranian Students Day

(Washington, D.C.) Justice Through Music and the Iranian-American Youth have joined forces to ensure that today, December 7th, Student’s Day in Iran, is recognized around the world, despite efforts of the Iranian authorities to suppress it. During the last month alone, more than 60 Iranian students have been arrested and countless others referred to disciplinary committees just for supporting freedom and condemning oppression. JTM and IAY have launched two videos on You Tube to show the world and the citizens of Iran that support for democracy in Iran is growing.

The Youth-To-Youth campaign asks young people everywhere to go to its website and print out posters supporting freedom in Iran, take a picture while holding the poster and then upload it to the Y2Y site. Hundreds of people have already done so and scores of them are in the YouTube video at, sending a message of moral support to the students of Iran as they prepare to once again bravely take to the streets to demand their freedom and an end to brutality. As the focus of the Islamic regime has turned to the destruction of Iran's educational institutions by violently oppressing Iran's students, the visual message from the students of America to the students of Iran is: "We support you, we stand with you and we hope you are victorious."

The second video, Flowers For Your Guns, is dedicated to Neda Agha-Soltan and all those who have died and struggled for democracy in Iran. The video features famous Iranian singer Shamim Azade and the American band Op-Critical, melding traditional Persian music with driving rock. Film footage includes tens of thousands of people in Iran and America marching and protesting for freedom, exclusive video of New York and Washington rallies, the unveiling of the statute of Neda, and the Green Scroll march to the Capitol. The video shows the people of Iran speaking out, supported by millions around the world, for a new system in Iran, where human rights are respected, and where religion and politics are separate. The video makes clear that with the killing of peaceful protesters, the Iranian Government inflicted a fatal poison on itself and it is now dying. With each new spasm of violence against its citizens, the Islamic regime demonstrates that it is bankrupt and in the throes of death itself.

JTM and IAY see a rebirth happening in Iran -- a destiny that cannot be changed no matter how brutal the actions of those who have the guns. The Green Revolution, patterned after the peaceful Velvet Revolutions in Eastern Europe, cannot be stopped. The world is now filled with hundreds of millions of Nedas, and these videos demonstrate that YES, these Nedas are growing and will prevail.

Justice Through Music is a 501c3 organization dedicated to inspiring youth to take control of their future. <> . Op-Critical is a band that uses music to speak out about injustice. <> . Iranian-American Youth is a grassroots organization that supports the people of Iran based on the principles of democracy, human rights and unity.

Source: Justice Through Music
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audas Donating Member (114 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-08-09 08:57 PM
Response to Original message
1. This website is all about questioning
the vile practices of the right wing, military industrial complex and fundamentally the operations of the CIA.

There is absolutely no doubt that vast, vast majority of Iranians support their revolution, by miles.

The pre-election polls were unequivocal in pointing towards a return for the incumbents. Unequivocal.

The results and recounts all confirmed the results and there was absolutely NO justifiable discrepencies within the vote.
However this did not stop the opposition from claiming victory within minutes of the polls closing, and then when the results did not reflect their
position claiming the vote was rigged - when clearly it was not.

Further we have the work of ground breaking journalist from the New Yorker, Seymour Hersch) repeatedly warning us the $400 million dollar covert operations inside
Iran aimed at specifically destabilizing the regime during elections. You have publicly released documents confirming the presence of CIA hit squads operating in Iran
set up by Cheney and continuing to this day. The death of Neda was almost CERTAINLY from a CIA hit.

When will you people realize that this is exactly what the CIA does. It's mission statement is SPECIFICALLY regime change. It was instrumental in the color revolutions
in the break up of the USSR...

The opposition party was supported by the owner of almost all the universities in Iran - he had direct access to the mobile phone numbers, emails, facebook and twitter accounts of
Iranian students and used this in direct collaboration with the CIA and MOSSAD to send out the call to protest. FACTS people FACTS. (Remember Facebook was created by the same
guy who heads up the tech at CIA - Facebook IS a CIA application designed for profiling of social networks - it even uses facia recognition software on the photos you upload - this is nothing special as even I can do this using flash cs5).

How any of this can come as a surprise to anyone considering the lengthy and brutal involvement of the US and CIA inside Iran is just beyond comprehension.

NONE of this is to say that we don't want to see a better Iran with greater respect to freedoms, however it is vital that you understand that the revolution is primarily driven by the CIA.
Further you should also be taking a good hard look at your own country when it is cunducting operations like this (epsecially hit squads) - then balance this against your own destruction of human rights
around the world (US support of despotic dictators is entrenched policy)- and abolition of human rights in the US and refusal to move to any progressive positions on things such as gay rights, combined with the appalling treatment of protestors in the US and things suddenly start looking incredibly hypocritical.

If there is ANYTHING the US should shut their FCKING MOUTHS ABOUT it is Iran - you have no FCKING RIGHT what so EVER to comment on this country in any way shape or form - you have absolutely NO moral capital on the issue, and simply raising the issue is revolting.

SO on the whole take your shit post and stick it up your arse.

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