MADDOW: "We don‘t exactly know what is going to be the final bill that‘s going to be voted on. But is it right to worry that by conceding the public option right now without assurances that the Medicare thing is going to happen, liberals could be giving away something important to them for a promise rather than an agreement?
DEAN: Yes. And this House is the safety valve for that. Because if the Senate reneges, if the four people - whatever it was, the number of the moderate - quote, unquote, “moderate” Democrats, renege on their agreement, the whole thing is off.
There is no, necessarily, support for the progressive community. What I‘ve told folks and, you know, I‘ve spent a lot of time talking to some of these folks who are doing this is, look, don‘t double cross us. Don‘t lead us down the garden path and hang us out to dry. Because if you do, we‘re going to be gone and we‘ll never come back. And then, all of the things Jane predicted are going to happen. You know, right now the Democratic core base - we‘re not talking about the left wing or the progressives. We‘re talking about 70 percent of the Democrats are demoralized by what‘s going on in health care.
And so that‘s going to affect everybody whether you‘re Ben Nelson or whether you‘re Sherrod Brown. It‘s going to cost us a heck of a lot of seats in 2010.
..."MADDOW: ...and it sounds like what you‘re sort of issuing is a call for liberals who are concerned right now to stay on this. So to make sure -
DEAN: And keep the heat on. I agree with Jane Hamsher. Even though we don‘t agree with the fundamentals of where exactly we are, we need her out there. We need these folks out there pushing hard on this. We can‘t lose this now."