OVER ONE HUNDRED more examples of Fox News Bias at
http://www.youtube.com/view_play_list?p=A3BD2524FE99BD4DAnd, more info on the ACLU defending Christians at
http://aclufightsforchristians.comLast week, watching Bill O'Reilly and Ann Coulter spend the Christmas season smearing and falsely attacking the American Civil Liberties Union as anti-Christian, including the many Christian members of the ACLU, I had to wonder whether Fox News or the ACLU really have more Christmas spirit and what exactly motivates Christians to falsely attack other Christians during Christmastime, as I discuss in this video.
The clips I use in my video from "The O'Reilly Factor" come from the episode discussing the ACLU's placement of a religious freedom display in the Illinois state capitol broadcast on December 15, 2009, that is available online at
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RgNF7UWt3i4The clip I use of the Rev. Scotty McLennan comes from the ForaTv video available online at
http://fora.tv/2009/05/26/Why_Jesus_Was_a_Liberal_Rev_Scotty_McLennanThe clip I use of Terri Burke, Executive Director of the ACLU of Texas, comes from the aclutx video titled "Our Executive Director Wants to Wish You a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays" on YouTube at
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=86zolIvusC8The image I used of the Rev. Scotty McLennan's book, "Jesus Was a Liberal" is available online at
http://www.scottymclennan.com/The image I use of Thomas Jefferson and the text of his 1823 letter to John Adams that I show in my video are available online at
http://www.let.rug.nl/usa/P/tj3/writings/brf/jefl271.htmAnd, finally, as always, you can find DOZENS and DOZENS more examples of Fox News bias on my Fox News bias playlist on YouTube at