If you can accidentally text your Grandma on New Year's Eve, what else can go wrong? Condoms break. Pills are forgotten. Back Up Your Birth Control.
Don't Drop the Ball: Statistics show that New Year's Eve is not a good night for birth control use. Condoms break. Pills are forgotten. In fact, emergency contraception sales more than DOUBLE in the days right after New Year's, according to January 2009 sales statistics provided by Teva Pharmaceuticals, makers of Plan B One Step (the one-pill version of emergency contraception).
Make a birth control plan before New Year's Eve.
But if that goes wrong, as things can, know that you have a back-up option with emergency contraception. It's available at the pharmacy counter without a prescription for women 17 and older, even in just one pill. If you are under 17, you'll need a doctor's prescription.
If you have a birth control oops, emergency contraception can help. That text to grandma? We can't do anything about that.