Edited on Mon Jan-04-10 12:58 PM by lib2DaBone
The U.S. could be profitable and out of this mess in five years, the answer exists, but the bankers and the oligarchs will never let it happen.
The ruling elite (fill in your favorite Bankster) are desperate. As Mr. Engdahl says, "they are desperate, and nothing is working".
The oligarchs will not even consider a plan that does not keep THEM in firm control of the money supply (and our lives). So, as they fail, their actions become more insane, ludicrous and deadly. i.e. Crotch Bombers, Manchurian Candidates, Airport Security, Yemen, more troops to Afghanistan, CIA Agents who murder and kidnap to promote war.
It's all part of "The Grand Chess Game", a failed foreign policy that can only end badly, ( meaning bad, as in a nuclear war). It's all part of the chess game move to block China's economic expansion and domination. The Trans Afghanistan/Pakistan Pipeline would give China a direct overland route for gas and oil and will set up an economic corridor that will dwarf U.S. economic interests and de-rail the hegemony.
But why worry.. at this rate, the United States is going to collapse well before the pipeline is even finished.