Edited on Mon Jan-18-10 04:58 PM by LaPera
would be reporting the lies that the republican pigs at Fox news like O'Reilly, Beck, Hannity and the rest say & report as fact instead, Fox' spin, lies & "mistakes" are now being challenged by Keith Olbermann.
We have all watched Fox news big lies....remember how Fox announced that Bush won Florida in 2000 when the race still was a dead heat too close to call and many even had Gore in the lead? And the worst part was ow the rest of the media lap dogs morons followedthe Fox news lie and went right along with the lie.
National news organizations would so often go right along with whatever lies republican/Ailes Fox news reported as fact.
If it wasn't for the excellent Keith Olbermann, Fox news lies would go pretty much go untouched, unexposed.... sure there's Maddow, Stewart, Schultz, etc.....
But it's was Olbermann from the beginning and it's still Olbermann now - who is always exposing Fox "news' constant lies and their bullshit little tactics (Fox news calls those intended lying tactics, innocent mistakes on their part - BULLSHIT)!
You can bet Olbermann is a marked man by the republicans.