Edited on Sun Jan-24-10 10:46 AM by icee
parts of McCain Feingold, none of these continuing conversations between feel-good politicians and ostensibly razor sharp analysts make any difference. Corporations will simply buy all the politicians from here on out. It will be impossible to fight. Let's face it: there are only so many Dennis Kucinich's. This statement notwithstanding, what the Democrats need to do is 1.Move completely away from Obama and his constant capitulation to Republicans (he continues to do that even now). 2. Fight aggressively for a constitutional amendment over turning the Supreme Court's action. 3. Enact ONE piece of major legislation HELPING the people, even if they have to do it over the wishes of Barack Emmanuel and the DLC. Concurrently with all this, find a suitable Progressive Democrat to run for President in 2012 and start handing him the ball for major talking points RIGHT NOW! People are not suddenly enamored of Republicans. They are equally disgusted with both Republicans and Democrats. Because of this, I think we could successfully find another Democrat candidate for President right now and win with him/her. Yes, this would mean biting the bullet and admitting the Obama experiment has failed. But do you really think he will change? I, for one, do not.