The California OneCare Campaign for SB 810
This California OneCare Campaign is an historic grassroots movement to educate millions of Californians and build overwhelming public support for single payer universal health care in California.
We support single payer legislation, Senate Bill 810, authored by Senator Mark Leno. In its previous versions (SB 840 authored by Senator Sheila Kuehl), this bill passed both houses of the California legislature twice, only to be vetoed by Governor Schwarzenegger, who stated that “Health care is not a right.”
We believe that healthcare is not only a right, but it is also a moral obligation in any enlightened society. Indeed, every other developed nation on earth provides comprehensive health care for its entire population, and does so for less than half of what we spend on our inadequate system in the U.S. Almost all of them use some form of single payer, non-profit health care financing system.
“Single Payer” means that all health care is financed by a single state agency that also collects health insurance premiums through a progressive tax system. Under SB 810, private health insurance would be eliminated. Health care would continue to be provided by private doctors and hospitals, just like today. Patients could choose any health care provider. There would be no deductibles, co-pays, or exclusions for preexisting conditions. Coverage would be comprehensive, including medical, dental, prescriptions, mental health, rehabilitation, diagnostics, and more. Everyone would be covered for life, regardless of employment status, age, or health. Physicians would be responsible for the management of individual care; they would not need authorizations or pre-approvals from government officials for treatments or diagnostics.