Run time: 09:25
Posted on YouTube: March 23, 2009
By YouTube Member: LiberalViewer
Views on YouTube: 40642
Posted on DU: March 08, 2010
By DU Member: democracy1st
Views on DU: 451 |
After Fox News smeared the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN) throughout the Fall 2008 campaign, warning of massive voter fraud that never ended up happening, you would think Fox News' Megyn Kelly would be bringing on ACORN spokesperson Scott Levenson to apologize, but, instead, the Fox News smear of ACORN just continued as I show in this latest video.
You can find the Megyn Kelly's interview of ACORN's Scott Levenson on the Fox News website at can find more information about the Fall 2008 smear of ACORN on the bradblog page at page also contains the fair use image I used of ACORN's 2007-2008 voter registration drive.
And, finally, as always, you can find DOZENS and DOZENS more examples of Fox News bias on my Fox News bias playlist on YouTube at Rachel Maddow: Acorn Innocence, Right Wing Lies, And Entrapment Video Tape Is anyone familiar with the hoax by Orson Welles , based on the H.C.Wells novel , "War of the Worlds" , that took place in October 30, 1938 ? If your not familiar with this story , I'll give you a short briefing . What happened is Orson Welles played a joke.He figured no one with half a brain would believe the story . He told people over a weekly radio broadcast that the country was being invaded by little green men from Mars .Well, the rational people knew this was a prank .However, some dumb ass Republicans .Excuse me .Some dumb ass people actually believed the broadcast and went ape shit , LOL .Many listeners panicked. Some people loaded blankets and supplies in their cars and prepared to flee. One mother in New England reportedly packed her babies and lots of bread into a car, figuring that "if everything is burning, you can't eat money, but you can eat bread." Other people hid in cellars.One college senior drove forty-five miles at breakneck speed in a valiant attempt to save his girlfriend.,what a moron . Anyways , if your wondering where I'm going with this, we have these type of people today .They are the same people that buy the lies about , "death panels for grandma","Obama birth certificate isn't real", etc, etc. .Well here is another lie .It's about Acorn .They would have you believe Acorn has broken the law .News flash, they haven't .Not ever .They say Acorn committed "voter fraud", not true .A few employees committed voter registration fraud, not , "voter fraud". And guess who turned those employees in ? Acorn...., that's right . What about Acorn and prostitution ? There has never been any prostitution charge against Acorn .So where does this all come from ? Look at the video .For a link to the report mentioned in this video, click on link below.......... Andy Breitbart Explains It All For You (The ACORN "Pimp" Hoax) activist Andrew Breitbart speaks at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) in Washington, D.C. on February 20, 2010 about the controversy surrounding the doctoring of the ACORN "pimp" videos that James O'Keefe produced and Breitbart published.
A short film from and For more details on the O'Keefe/Breitbart ACORN "Pimp" Hoax, please see
ACORN may be victim of its own workers in registration case Republicans and their allies in the media and on the Internet are ramping up allegations that the liberal-leaning nonprofit voter registration group Acorn is trying to steal next month's presidential election for Democrat Barack Obama.
Conservative media outlets and Web sites are focusing on Acorn, the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now. According to, Fox News alone has mentioned Acorn stories 342 times in recent days.
In nearly a dozen states, county registrars have found phony voter registration applications submitted by canvassers for Acorn; criminal investigations are under way in Nevada, Ohio and elsewhere; and a racketeering suit was filed in Ohio this week. The mounting evidence of Acorn's sloppy management and poor supervision, however, so far doesn't support the explosive charges that the group is trying to rig the presidential election.
Larry Lomax, the registrar in Clark County, Nev., said he'd estimate that 25,000 of the 90,000 applications submitted by Acorn this year were duplicates or phony.
However, Lomax said in a phone interview with McClatchy: "I don't think Acorn consciously sets out to turn in fraudulent forms. I just think the people they hire find it incredibly easy to rip off their bosses and turn in fake forms."
While he criticized Acorn's quality control, Lomax said he doubted that any of the fake filings would result in fraudulent votes.
Election officials say that registrations under names such as Mickey Mouse or Dallas Cowboys quarterback Tony Romo suggest that Acorn workers were trying to fill their quota of 20 applications to get paid, not to steal the presidency. They say that county registrars or poll workers would flag such obvious pranks, and that anyone who signed a poll book in another person's name would risk being prosecuted for a felony.
Acorn, which boasts that it's registered 1.3 million mostly poor African-Americans this year, said that it's alerted authorities to many of the suspicious applications. Acorn officials said the group has fired numerous workers who filled in forms with names from the phone book or the Dallas Cowboys starting lineup rather than trekking from door to door.