Run time: 04:56
Posted on YouTube: March 01, 2010
By YouTube Member: CalForNC
Views on YouTube: 451
Posted on DU: March 12, 2010
By DU Member: claypool4prez
Views on DU: 600 |
This is what campaign ads should look like. Not talking points or hype, but real people, real stories, and real solutions. Creating Green Energy Jobs!
As a veteran, and recipient of the Bronze Star, Cal believes issues of energy & environment are also a national security matter.
This is part of Cal Cunningham's Voices of North Carolina video series. Check it out.
And check out Cal's website
And please consider helping out Cal and this longtime DUer by donating on my personal Actblue site for him: is Cal on Green Energy: "We must pursue policies to incentivize sustainable building and investment in clean energy technologies, such as retrofitting and weatherizing existing structures, nurturing new industries, pursuing cross-departmental efforts, and using the federal government to drive demand."
Cal feels that North Carolina should be on the forefront of efforts that:
Break our nation’s destructive dependence on foreign oil from unfriendly regimes, a dependence that is harmful to our economy, our environment, and our national security.
Reduce the nearly $800-900 billion in annual wealth transfer from the United States to the Middle East, keeping revenue here at home so it can be invested in domestic and renewable sources of energy – helping create 2 million new jobs.
Reduce our nation’s carbon footprint by curbing harmful emissions from fossil fuels that contribute to global warming and generate instability in already volatile parts of the world.
Please Check out this video, consider donating, and spreading the word about this inspiring candidate for U.S. Senate.