Run time: 04:05
Posted on YouTube: March 13, 2010
By YouTube Member: TheFrankFactor
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Posted on DU: March 13, 2010
By DU Member: theFrankFactor
Views on DU: 898 |
Since becoming more and more involved in politics in America I have gone through some changes and hopefully will continue to. When I started The Frank Factor it was in response to the 2000 election debacle that lead to the installation of the immoral, corrupt and treasonous Bush Administration. I was initially more of a mainstream Democrat as it was the only place for a Progressive to go that had a chance in achieving power. I wasn't really aware of the pro corporate policies, back room shenanigans and foreign policy exploits of the Clinton years and was shocked at the terrible performance of Al Gore in the debates and later his surrender to the shenanigans of the Republican party in bullying him out of the race. But I thought it was not indicative of anything deeper and maybe just a case of misguided good sportsmanship.
Since that time I have spent a great amount of time attacking the Republican party and the social Darwinists and moral Neanderthals that populate it. Then as the years passed I saw that the Democrats in Congress failed at every turn to counter the rush to corporate fascism and the mainstreaming of perpetual war after September eleventh. My focus intensified on the Democrats. For a long time I interpreted their do-nothingness to be a result of their timidity and their just-so-gosh-darned-niceness.
Then in 2009, after the destruction of America wrought by the Republican majority and the Bush administration, Americans overwhelming voted in Democrats signaling a mandate for a change in direction. A solid Democratic majority was voted in by elections across the nation and in November an African-American Democrat won the Presidency by what, compared to the margins of Republican candidate Bush in 2000 and 2004, was a landslide!
Democrats had a super majority in the first months of the 2010 administration and a Democratic President elected on a platform of “Hope and Change”.So I ask you, what could one reasonably expect from this situation? What did this say about the desire of the American people?
To continue as the Republicans had because they were so well liked?
To continue as the Republicans had but just tone it down a bit?
To reach out to the Republicans for their input because they were really on to something good before Americans threw them out of office?
To take a look at how Republicans handled their majorities, minorities and Presidency over the last eight years and respond with as gentle and bipartisan a hand as they had?
If you answered yes to any of those questions stop reading-you are an asshole. Let me tell you what a “sane” observer would surmise. They would read the victories by the Democrats as a strong signal for a change in direction, not a little teeny weeny change but a change commensurate with the obvious mandate against the previous administration's direction as reflected by the percentage of victories by Democrats. That is the only sane interpretation. Now, what did I expect to see?
I expected to see a Democratic majority of this type use its political capital to enact... wait for it--Democratic policy! What is Democratic policy?
Would it be the transference of trillions in tax dollars to private corporations as a reward for reckless, irresponsible behavior handed out with little or no oversight?
Would it be the continuance of decimated and impotent oversight of those same corporate institutions through the failure to re-enact or craft legislation as a response to their devastating irresponsibility ?
Would it be to continue the war in Iraq?
Would it be to expand the war in Afghanistan?
Would it be to continue the Patriot Act?
Would it be to immediately remove single payer from any health care reform considerations?
Would it be to allow the minority to write health care legislation?
Would it be to let pharmaceutical companies and insurance companies write health insurance legislation?
Would it be to include a mandate that Americans purchase private health insurance?
It goes on and on. Do you think if Republicans swept into office and Congress like the Democrats, that they would do something quite similar to these things all the while asking for Democratic minority permission? No, but they would do those very things and more! Do you start to smell something very, very rotten here? I do! I say that if the Republicans were in our position they would have anything their rotted, shriveled hearts and brains desired and then some! Put it this way, if Republicans wanted Medicare for all... we'd have medicare for all and within the first few months of the administration.
So what's the deal? Here's the deal! There is one common
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