Run time: 13:40
Posted on YouTube: March 20, 2010
By YouTube Member: TheFrankFactor
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Posted on DU: March 20, 2010
By DU Member: theFrankFactor
Views on DU: 259 |
The System is broken. The Democratic Party is broken.
http://www.thefullcourtpress.orgFull Court Press — 435 Democratic Primaries 2012*
It’s quite simple. We strongly believe in the following 5 points:
* WPA-style jobs program — create jobs by CREATING JOBS!
* Medicare available for all
* Repeal Hyde Amendment, vote no on any bill with Stupak or Nelson-like language
* Repeal DOMA, DADT, support gay marriage
* U.S. out of Iraq and Afghanistan
They reflect the needs and desires of the Democratic Party’s progressive base. The principles of you and me. And yet our officials ignore them, not just as individuals, but as a party, en masse. They try to blame individuals, if it weren’t for Stupak, if it weren’t for Nelson. Yet the Democrats in Congress — both House and Senate — have said yes to a version of the healthcare bill that includes either the Stupak or the Nelson amendments. They have said it is okay to throw women’s Right to Choose under the bus.
They vote funds for ongoing wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. They are not fighting for the federal government to actually create jobs by creating jobs. The Democratic Party has not repealed the Defense of Marriage Act or Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell, when they have had the power to do so.
In every congressional district with a Democratic incumbent, we ask her or him whether she or he supports those points. In writing. All 5. If they say yes, we support them. If they do not, or if it is not a Democratic seat, we file in the Democratic congressional primary. We get the signatures, we do the paperwork, we pay the filing fee, We run on those points.
The bottom line is to have at least one FCP candidate on the primary ballot in every district.
The plan is minimal beyond getting on the ballot and supporting the points.
* It says nothing about the general election.
* It does not mean the FCP candidate cannot raise other progressive issues.:
* It does not specify how actively a given FCP candidate campaigns.
It simply requires BEING THERE !!!
Tactically, that's it. That's the plan. This requires some money and some effort, and ballot requirements vary from state to state, but it is within the capability of the ordinary citizen. The plan is flexible and the power is in the spread.
* We're exploring running candidates in 2010. If you're interested, please contact us.