WorldNetDaily's Peterson unleashes nutty rant: Obama is 'destroying America based on lies'
By David Neiwert Sunday Mar 21, 2010 7:00am've known for some time that the Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson -- the WorldNetDaily's favorite black columnist -- is a Real Piece of Work. On Sean Hannity's Fox News show last night, he demonstrated it once again with this rant about health-care reform:
Peterson: But to be honest with you, this whole thing is -- I remember, George Washington built America based on truth. Barack Obama is destroying America based on lies.
This thing is about the redistribution of wealth, it's about Black Liberation Theology. Obama lied on the primaries, he's been lying ever since. And the sad thing about it, some Americans -- most Americans are starting to see it, but they don't realize that they've been seduced by this man, and he doesn't care about what is right.
We see what he's doing, bowing down to everybody around the country --
Hannity: Around the world.
Peterson: And around the world. Look what's happening in Israel right now, he's never really supported Israel. This guy is not on our side.
He's -- Obama, in all honesty, is the Congressional Black Caucus, he is Louis Farrakhan, he is Rev. Wright, his minister, he is all of them wrapped up in one -- and he's gonna take -- if we allow this health-care thing to happen, he's gonna turn America into Detroit. And we cannot let this happen.