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Where's the kaboom? There was supposed to be an EARTHSHATTERING KABOOM.

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TrollBuster9090 Donating Member (569 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Mar-21-10 11:03 PM
Original message
Where's the kaboom? There was supposed to be an EARTHSHATTERING KABOOM.
Edited on Sun Mar-21-10 11:06 PM by TrollBuster9090
Run time: 00:18
Posted on YouTube: October 13, 2008
By YouTube Member: wjcoll
Views on YouTube: 4867
Posted on DU: March 22, 2010
By DU Member: TrollBuster9090
Views on DU: 287
That was it?

The Democrats' watered-down, centrist health care reform bill passed, and the universe didn't end?

The world didn't implode?
We didn't all wake up in communist gulags?
Nobody's pulling the plug on grandma?
No death panels?
Healthcare isn't being rationed?
The IRS isn't snooping in our bank accounts?
We're not having LOTTERIES to get a family physician?
Our employers haven't dumped us all from the company plan?
My doctor hasn't quite the medical profession in disgust?
Grandpa isn't being refused for a hip replacement because he's too old?
Grandma isn't being told to take a pain pill instead of having the operation?
The wait times to see a doctor haven't increased to six months?
The USA didn't lose its credit rating?
The Chinese didn't call in their IOUs?
The value of the dollar didn't drop to zero as people start shooting each other to protect their GOLD STASH?

Everything seems pretty much the way it was before, and probably will continue to be for most people, while getting better for a few people who were getting a pretty raw deal before. Nothing has changed.

Oh wait a minute...ONE THING HAS CHANGED...

The credibility of the GOP, the HMO lobby, and the think tank shills they employ HAS JUST DROPPED TO ZERO!

That's the problem with running on a platform of ridiculous hyperbole. When it doesn't turn out to be true, you end up with no credibility. Good luck crafting the new rhetoric for the November elections. Hopefully you've got Frank Lundtz on the speed dial, you're gonna need him.
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watajob Donating Member (253 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Mar-22-10 02:00 AM
Response to Original message
1. Oh, the Democrats will hear the echo of this day ...
... on 2 Nov 2010. Very clearly.
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