Run time: 06:39
Posted on YouTube: March 23, 2010
By YouTube Member: FixedNewsChannel
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Posted on DU: March 23, 2010
By DU Member: Hissyspit
Views on DU: 643 |
MSNBC Countdown w/ KEITH OLBERMANN - 22 March 2010: Former Bush Speechwriter David Frum Warns Of GOP Waterloo. Markos Moulitsas says where Frum gets it wrong is thinking GOP would have been better off compromising.
OLBERMANN: "To Mr. Frum. In your opinion, what did he get right, what did he get wrong this weekend?"
MOULITSAS: "He's right - that this is a long-term disaster for the Republican Party. They staked everything on their ability to completely annihilate the Democratic agenda. They have clearly failed on THE key signature issue for Democrats coming into this congressional cycle. So, that's not a good place for Republicans to be.
I think that where he fails, though, is he thinks that had Republicans compromised, things would have been better for Republicans. They would have had a bill that was more palatable to them.
I think the problem with that is that the reason that Republicans really opposed this is because for the first time ever that government now has admitted it has a responsibility to provide for the health care of the American people, that health care is a right, not a privilege.So going along with Democratic efforts to pass some kind of health care reform may have helped them short term, but long term, if their goal is to completely deny the ability of the government to help the American people, they could not have accomplished that goal by helping to pass this."