would artificially keep their currency low. We knew that when the cheap globalists here started outsourcing American jobs to exploit the cheap labor there and their people. That's not the problem. While I agree there should be tariffs on imports, which they won't do anyway, they would merely pass it on to the consumer in higher prices. Stop giving subsidies to these people. Start regulating the amount of imports coming in. The trade deficit right now is about 20 billion. Why are we putting up with this? Their exports jumped 46% last month their imports rose as well. The projection of their growth of GDP is 9.5% this year and forecasts to overtake Japan as number 2 economy. China does not want to raise it's imports..it's a COMMUNIST government.
We do have China by the horns. The US dollar is still the best investment especially right now. China only holds about 10% of American debt. Little leverage in manipulation. The problem is America's debt/GDP ratio. The IMF as issued warnings that maintaining national debts will hamper economic growth.
"Mr Lipsky cited evidence that all G7 countries except Germany and Canada will have debt-to-GDP ratios close to or in excess of 100% by 2014...However, what the IMF terms the "emerging Asia" region – including China and India - will grow at more than twice the pace, with an economic growth rate of 8.25pc estimated in the current year. The answer is not more exports to China.