Rather than be ashamed and appalled by this haughty gesture by their disgusting little W, here's what those patriotic, hyper-righteous, 'true' Americans over at Free Republic have to say about this:
There are a few other DemocRATs we'd like to do this to...
Toooooo Greeaatt!! He really did!!
Holy crap, I think he did! I think he has a little germ-phobia going on -— I seem to remember that he had his own Reggie Love who was in charge of the Purell hand sanitizer.
No, I like to do that to “ALL” dems
Oh my gosh... that just made me laugh and laugh and laugh, and heaven knows I needed a laugh. I watched it several times.
Now, that was funny.
Well, THAT was a pleasant distraction from the events of the past couple of days.
He was trying to cover up another “stain.” Clinton has an odd history with stains!
Thanks. I really need that. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Oh my gosh, he totally did!
"Here Bill, you're used to cooties" (and crotch crickets too, I'm sure)
...clinton didn’t mind,he likes wet cigars
Looks like it. BWA HA HA HA HAAAAaaaaaaaaaa
might have been a BIG mistake. Now he really has to scrub up.
Oh noes!
No question about it. He shook someone’s hand, and then wiped it off on Clinton’s shoulder. For a second it looks like a shoulder pat. But then he definitely wipes it.
LOL! Thanks for the Ping
You're welcome... we certainly needed the laugh.
Can’t tell what happened but bubba looks awful. As tho he was about to drop.
OMGoodness! He sure did! ROFL!!!
LMAO... That’s exactly what he did.
LOL...He wasn’t trying to get Clinton’s attention, he was wiping his hand on Clinton’s shirt!!! LOL
You got that right Go Ahead: Click It!
He sure did...
is that a BLUE shirt Slick is wearing?
LMAO!!! Only a former President can get away with wiping his hand on anther former President without the Secret Service taking him down!
It sort of looks as if Bubba got something on his own hand & wiped it on the front of his own shirt. And for a nanosecond he thought about getting Bush’s shirt back!
Bush must have felt something nasty on his hand from that last Haitian he shook hands with. LOL
No, just his fingers.
Obama tells a story about Bush using Purell right after shaking Zero’s hand, even saying “want a squirt.” Must be a germ freak.Yup, he really did it.
ha ha ha ha
he DID! (Wait til this gets brought to Bubba’s attention.
You can, if you stop motion, see that he was first going to wipe his hand on his own shirt and then - he he - wiped on Bubba.
Clinton is used to stuff being “wiped” on him...
Thought slick willie carried a blue dress for that “wiping� thingee...
It’s a requirement from the new health care bill.
Bush has good instincts. ;-)
“Obama!” Bush exclaimed, according to Obama’s account of the meeting in his second memoir, “The Audacity of Hope.” “Come here and meet Laura. Laura, you remember Obama. We saw him on TV during election night. Beautiful family. And that wife of yours — that’s one impressive lady.”
The two men shook hands and then, according to Obama, Bush turned to an aide, “who squirted a big dollop of hand sanitizer in the president’s hand.”
Bush then offered some to Obama, who recalled: “Not wanting to seem unhygienic, I took a squirt.”
Bill is going for a record. Most DNA on one piece of clothing. Loads more to come.
No it is in slomo. He was just getting BJs attention.
The funny thing is it looked like he was going to wipe it on his own shirt and then reached toward clinton.
ohhhh, cooties!
Maybe they both got that “Serpent and the Rainbow” powder on them.
Thanks for the reply. I laughed my A@@ off.
Thanks for the ping! That was awesome.
Yes, he did and it was funny as heck! And how is it that he is still so darn handsome?
W looks about 10 yrs younger . Clinton about 100yrs older! I miss W! At least he loved his country and had her best interests at heart!!!
Me, too - that just made me laugh out loud! It’s a beautiful thang....