Edited on Wed Mar-24-10 11:42 PM by shockedcanadian
I understand what you mean when you state the age of the country and the U.S rocky history of racial insensitivity, but at least you address these inflammatory issues, in Canada we stifle them, and we allow our intelligence organizations to get away with being the judge and jury to decide what punishment is fair. I will tell you this, you may have more overt racism in the U.S, but the same issues exist here, but they are far better concealed.
For instance, I would be willing to place a bet, that per capita, the United States has far more minority leaders in positions of political power, especially at the municipal level. Circumstances progress due to discussion and debate, usually the debate starts acidic as people hate change, over time it becomes more accepted and commonplace. In 2010 the U.S now has a Black president, I don't think this would have been possible without free speech. Freedom of speech allows for challenges to the accepted norms, it also allows for people with incorrect and ignorant views to be challenged and confronted with counter arguments. The openness of Canadian society simply does not allow for this. Remember, at one time you would be chastised and maybe even imprisoned for suggesting that Blacks or women should be allowed to vote, or that people should be allowed to drink from the same water fountain, freedom of speech provided the platform to affect the change of these beliefs and what is considered the "norm".
Remember, racism and bigotry is not a quality someone is born with, it is socially constructed. People in power know this, therefore the selfsih unpatriotic intelligence forces that we have in Canada, engage in a quiet oppressive campaign against anyone they see fit; all in the name of "hate speech". It's a load of bs, something that the KGB or Gestpo would engage in, but it is happening in Canada, in 2010. Scary. Just do some research, you will find alot of oppression happening in Canada, especially for a country as small as ours.
The biggest issue of all, is how easy it is to even claim something that may not be true. We are talking about covert intelligence, they can claim you said this or said that, and they can spend tax dollars targetting you. In the U.S the CIA and FBI would shrug their shoulders, it's a non issue, people can say whatever they want. No entrapment, no subjectivity, no lazy and selfish undercover operative looking for an easy target to earn a paycheque. These are not obvious surface level issues to the average Canadian, but to those unfairly destroyed, it is everything. I just happened to be one of the rare people who was able to understand how I was manufactured as a target and how the modis operandus works. It took ALOT of research, digging and searching to become aware of how the system works.
Just remember how far the U.S has come as a nation. Your freedoms and economic openness are the envy of the world, even as you go through difficult times. In all honesty, it stands alone as the sole defender of true and open freedom, the level of government interference is much lower than in any other Western society, this is an important fact. It is what the nation was founded on, and you don't realize how vital these freedoms are until you live somewhere else.