Run time: 03:54
Posted on YouTube: March 26, 2010
By YouTube Member: TheRedAshura
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Posted on DU: March 26, 2010
By DU Member: Turborama
Views on DU: 1005 |
I put the title in quotes because that's currently the title of the article on the front page of their website, this video is still there too: BASH, CNN SENIOR CONGRESSIONAL CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): It was anti-abortion Democrat Bart Stupak's 11th hour deal that gave House Democrats the votes to pass health care.
Listen to some messages on his office voice mail.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Stupak, you are a lowlife. Baby murderer. Scumbag. (INAUDIBLE). Crap. You are a cowardly punk, Stupak.
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Think about this, there are millions of people across the country who wished you ill. All of those thoughts projected on you will materialize into something that's not very good for you.
BASH: And he's gotten faxes like these, images of a noose and a Nazi SS insignia. Stupak is hardly the only Democrat being threatened. Vandalism at the Arizona office of Gabby Gifford, and the New York office of House Rules chairwoman Louise Slaughter.
REP. LOUISE SLAUGHTER (D), NEW YORK: Someone heralded a brick through the window of my district office in the dark of night.
BASH: Whoever threw that brick is a mystery. But one person encouraging such behavior is known.
Mike Vanderboegh is a popular right-wing extremist. On his blog last week, he wrote, "So if you wish to send a message that Pelosi and her party cannot fail to hear, break their windows. Break them now. Break them and run to break again."
And this week, during a radio interview, Mr. Vanderboegh urged further action.
MIKE VANDERBOEGH, ACTIVIST: I'm advocating broken windows. I'm advocating -- I suppose -- vandalism.
BASH: House Democrats are now so concerned about security, leaders called an emergency closed door meeting with the FBI, Capitol police and sergeant at arms.
(On camera): Do you feel your members are really at risk in terms of their security?
REP. STENY HOYER (D), MAJORITY LEADER: Yes. I think we've have had very serious incidences that have occurred over the last 48, 72 hours.
BASH: So how are you dealing with that? What actions are you taking?
HOYER: Well, we have the Capitol police just brief members. If they are in any way suspicious or fearful or see actions occurring to report those immediately. And the Capitol police will respond and try to determine whether crimes have been committed.
REP. STEVE DRIEHAUS (D), OHIO: My wife and kids are at home. They're organizing protest in front of my house. We're getting death threats on the telephone.
BASH: Freshman Democrat Steve Driehaus also voted yes on health care. Before he did, the House minority leader John Boehner, warned he may be a dead man. Driehaus blames the GOP leader for stirring up some of the threats against him.
DRIEHAUS: They are engaged in rhetoric that goes way beyond the pale of what's responsible. They are inciting behavior. And I think they should be held responsible for that.
BASH (voice-over): Boehner declined our interview request to directly respond, and instead, issued a statement.
"I know many Americans are angry over this health care bill. And that Washington Democrats just aren't listening. But as I've said, violence and threats are unacceptable." He went on to say, "Go volunteer at a political campaign. Make your voice heard. But let's do it the right way."
Still, Democrats are blaming Republican lawmakers for egging protesters on. Maybe over the line. Like this over the weekend when Republican Steve King held up a poster of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, gave her a thumb's down, and made a slapping motion across her face.
We asked King about that.
(On camera): There was a moment that we have seen. You were up there right on that balcony up there with a picture of the House speaker, slapping it.
REP. STEVE KING (R), IOWA: That would be an exaggeration. But this is a melodrama.
BASH: Tell me what -- tell me --
KING: Keep in mind, this is a melodrama.
BASH: Tell me what your goal was with what you did?
KING: My goal is to inspire people to stand up for the Constitution, to stand up for fiscal responsibility and the rule of law.
BASH (voice-over): King walked away before we could get him to fully explain what he meant to do. But he did say he condemns any threats of violence.
Dana Bash, CNN, Capitol Hill.
(On AC360 Bash told Cooper that there's no "exaggeration", the video clearly shows him mimicking slapping Pelosi's face)