I really appreciate you weighed in. very interesting comment! My feeling is that no place is perfect, but Skandinavia is pretty close. If you Danes only learned a lesson from the Norwegians on how to divvy up the north sea oil and do something like their central bank with the Petroleum Trust and pension plan that would be great and it would take away a lot of power from companies like
http://www.dongenergy.dk/Pages/portalforside.aspx">Dong(look at all the windmills on this oil company's website!). I am sure there is a lot of talk about that in Denmark.
As for the american empire, that will be around for a while and all we can hope for and all we can work for here in the US is to make it as pacified and benevolent as possible. Unfortunately even if we could flip a switch tomorrow and have every country use 100% electric cars and solar panels or windmills, the empire will still be in business: you need lithium for batteries (50% of world reserves are in Bolivia and Chile), you need platinum for fuel cells, you need silver for solar panels and you need neodymium for the gear box in wind mills. In other words you need strategic resources for any techno fix you can think of and as long as that's the case the US empire will make sure that the mostly 3rd world sources of these resources price at least a strategically significant quantities in US$ which is then recycled in the imperial war machine.