Run time: 04:56
Posted on YouTube: March 27, 2010
By YouTube Member: Oilwellian
Views on YouTube: 94
Posted on DU: March 27, 2010
By DU Member: Oilwellian
Views on DU: 2118 |
I hope my fellow DU'ers will take the time to read the post below, written by a very good friend who helped produce this video, and is tuned in to the private funding networks that distribute propaganda masked as "grass roots" efforts. It's important they are exposed and CNN's participation in promoting this right wing gas bag is despicable and an affront to our intelligence. Let them know what you think. Just click their CNN TV button on the feedback page. Thanks! Hope you enjoy the video. right has screwed up this nation too thoroughly for us to just acquiesce to CNN giving a platform to the latest overrated stooge of concorporate hegemons. As the past few years have proved, they own or control most of this nation where it counts, and even when progressives score gains (as we just did with Health Care Reform), there is still a huge question mark hovering over the future of the United States. A recovering economy will not mask the near-kleptocratic nature of what our modern predatory-capitalist-system-run- amok has become.
Through one of many proxies like Redstate, the corporate and conservative elites use massive private funding networks to distribute professionally crafted propaganda masking as "grass roots" efforts.
Their work is designed to prey on the emotions and fears of an almost fundamentalist fervor amongst the ignorant Teahadist soldiers they are whipping up across the nation. The primary goal is to convince these gullible—or just rich, mean, racist, or stupid—people, that the administration that inherited the burden of fixing the economic malaise they created, are actually the people who caused them in the first place. And when you have a 24 hour news channel (Fox News) devoted to such efforts, it's really not all that hard to sell such foolishness to the proles.
This professionally-crafted and marketed lying has gone on far too long—and it's wrecking this nation. And yet, as I type this, the US Chamber of Commerce is gearing up to spend more millions of dollars in local elections. Precisely the kind of spending secured with the kind of right-wing propaganda that HumanEvents, Redstate, and Erick Erickson represent (often literally).
Much more at::$TWX