and a more recent one here:
Our newest video:Ode to Washington 2 minutes of truth.
Here is the link: to the words: am a very active and strong advocate for the US jobless and I go by the name of Paladinette in the blogosphere.
I now have my own call in Radio Show called JOBLESS TALK which premiered April 7th 2010. I need callers to vent (politely) their disgust with Washington over ignoring the millions of long term unemployed.
Here is the link to my next call in radio show: Upcoming Show: 4/13/2010 12:00 PM
Call-in Number: (347) 857-2884
This press release has all the info on the show and how to call in: on April 16th link: congressional candidate Bill Lussenheide CA 45th district running against Mary Bono